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Joon blushed bright red, stuttering over his words. Yoongi was going to let it go and Jimin and Jungkook were fast asleep. He assumed that since Tae and Hobi were in their animal forms that the stuttering Omega wasn't going to get roasted. The Alpha should have known better, Tae shifted and bent over laughing so hard he could barely breathe. "Oh he was up all night alright, staring at your cage and mumbling to himself about how he can't lose his Alpha."

"I did not say that," Joon yelled in shock.

Jin was grinning like he just won the lottery, he reached out to play with the Omega's hair a bit. "Aww were you worried about your Alpha?"

The Omega was looking everywhere but at the Alpha that was staring at him intensely. "You aren't my Alpha," he grumbled so softly that Jin almost missed it.

With a step forward, he reached down and lifted the Omega's chin up slowly. "I could be if you wanted me to be."

It was like time stopped, Yoongi's eyes were about as wide as Joon's were. He looked at Tae in shock, the younger Alpha's mouth was wide open in triumph like he just got exactly what he wanted. The cat looked back at the two that were having a moment. He didn't want to intrude but he knew there was no way Tae was going to leave, he was watching them like a soap opera and Yoongi had two sleeping babies on him so it wasn't like he could go anywhere.

"Do you want to be?" Joon sounded so hopeful, so scared and it was breaking Jin's heart a little bit. "Because I'd love to be your Omega."

"Baby, of course I do. Why do you think I didn't murder you for trying to eat me?" He chuckled as he drew him in closer. 

"I'm really sorry about that," there were small tears threatening to fall from Joon's cheek.

"Don't be, I'll gladly go through the pain if it gets me you."

Yoongi was in a trance, they just met and they'd already confessed to each other. How is that possible? How could they know that they wanted each other that quickly? He's been living with Jimin for months and, Yoongi shook his head getting those thoughts out of the way. He couldn't go down that road. Feelings are never good, he learned that the hard way the first year they had him at the breeding facility. 

He'd fallen for the Beta in the cage next to him and he thought the Beta felt the same. But the Beta was only using him for protection and the extra food Yoongi would give him. He was crushed when he heard him talking to another Beta about the pathetic Alpha he was using. After that Yoongi stopped feeling, stopped caring. Just lived each day trying to stay alive.

"You two are so cute!" Tae cooed, "Hobi look, they are like us."

"Like you?" Yoongi's head was cocked to the side. Yes he's seen them hold each other and snuggle, but hell he's doing that to Jimin and Jungkook and he's not with them.

"We're together, have been for years." Tae's puppy eyes were in full effect, "did you not know that? I thought we were obvious?"

"Apparently not," Yoongi grumbled. "I honestly had no idea."

Tae frowned a bit, "really? I would assume you knew since you have Jimin and it looks like Jungkook wants to be your Beta as well."

"He what?" Yoongi sputtered out a little louder than intended causing the two babies on his lap to stir. He shushed them as he petted their hair gently making them fall back asleep. "Explain?" He directed towards Taehyung. "Jimin is not my Omega and Jungkook is definitely not my Beta."

The younger Alpha snorted like that was the funniest thing he'd heard all damn day, he was slapping his knee and practically howling as he double over in laughter. "Not yours, oh Lord. Denial Yoongs, de-fucking-nial."

Yoongi snapped his head between Tae and Hobi, to Jin and Joon then down at the two babies in his lap, "but we never, they didn't, they couldn't, why me?"

"Why not you?" Jin asked softly, his arm around Joon's waist as the Omega leaned into him more. "I know I barely know you, but from what I've seen you are a worthy Alpha. Why wouldn't they want you?"

He could tell them, tell them how the Betas at the facility laughed at him for being so pathetic. But that just made him feel even more pathetic to be whining about it. Like a kitten on the playground crying about his friends being mean to him and saying mean things. He shook his head, "no one ever wants me. They probably clung to me because I was the only Alpha around."

"Wow he really is dumb Jiminssi," Jungkook grumbled as he sat up. "And here I thought we were being blatantly obvious with our courting attempts."

Yoongi's head snapped back and forth between the two, "you, both of you, what? But you have Tae, why me?"

Jungkook shrugged a bit, "I grew up with Tae, he's more of a weird Uncle than a potential mate."

"I would be the coolest Uncle to ever Uncle I'll have you know."

The bun waved off the indignant Alpha as he looked at Jimin, "you okay?"

The raccoon shook his head, "I know that I'm not a great Omega and I know why Alpha wouldn't want me. But I've been trying so hard since I got here to show him that I can learn and be better."

As soon as Yoongi saw the tears he practically launched himself into apologies as he pulled Jimin onto his lap. "You are the perfect Omega, I promise."

Tae was biting his lip so hard to keep from snorting, that little shit just played that Alpha perfectly. Jimin was grinning as Yoongi rocked him back and forth and rubbed his hand up and down the Omega petting him softly. "He played right into his hand," he whispered to Hobi.

"He played into both of their hands, look."

Jungkook whined, his cinnamon colored ears dropping down, "I guess I wasn't a good Beta then. I know I'm a lot to handle, but I." He sniffled as he dropped his head.

Yoongi reached out pulling Jungkook onto his other side, "you are perfect too Bun, both of you are perfect. Alpha promises you."

The bun's ears twitched and he was grinning as he looked at Jimin behind Yoongi's head.

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