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"You can't just talk about his knot like that," Hobi was exasperated with his Alpha.

Tae shrugged, "but look at him, you know he's packing and I bet his knot would stretch me so wide that I'd be gaping for days. Think about it, you wouldn't have to prep me at all, I'd just be ready for you to pound into me." The Alpha was practically purring with how excited he was.

Hobi grabbed the back of Tae's neck, "you better stop or I'll make you sit on my knot so long that you lose feeling in your ass."

Dylan leaned into Jungkook's space, "do knots hurt or are they pleasurable? Tae really seems to like them."

The bun choked a bit, eyes darting around the room, "never taken one so I have no idea."

"They are so so nice," Tae hummed.

"Would I be able to get one?"

Jin choked a bit, "can we stop talking about my knot before I pop one because damn?"

"But I'm curious," Dylan pouted.

"Well then I can give you a knot later," the Alpha shrugged but the blush on his face let everyone know just how affected he was.

Tae whined, practically throwing himself on the ground as the threw a tantrum. "Ignore him," Hobi sighed, "looks like I'll have to punish him later since he's being so bad."

"I just want a knot, that's all."

"And I told you I'd give you mine you spoiled brat."

The Alpha pouted but nodded his head as he got up from the ground, "fine."

Hobi's teeth were clenched together, "gonna spank him so hard that he won't even want my knot."

"Enough about knots," Yoongi sighed. "We need to feed Dylan since he refused to eat while you two were gone."

"Shouldn't have waited since he was being all touchy with some hoe," the human scoffed quietly.

"Yah, I told you what I was doing." Jin turned to look at Hobi, "looks like Tae isn't the only one getting spanked tonight."

Dylan's entire body shook, his arousal spiking and making all of the hybrids snap to attention. Yoongi's fists were clenching and unclenching, "food, eat now," he growled.

Getting through dinner was not easy for any of them, Dylan's arousal kept spiking, which in turn made the Omega's start to leak slick. The Alphas were on edge and the Betas were enjoying every single minute of their turmoil. The instant that Dylan finished eating, Jin slid his chair back, with a look towards Joon, "bedroom now, be waiting for me and Dylan."

Joon squeaked a bit but nodded his head and ran off towards their room. "Jin-I."

"Nope Baby, you've made your bed, now it's time to lay in it."

Dylan shivered, "will it hurt?"

Jin's face morphed into one of love, "I'd never hurt you, but don't worry I promise you'll enjoy the spanking."

"I need the knot," he whispered, while looking at his fingers that were in his lap.

The Alpha cocked his head to the side before bending down in front of the human, "you aren't getting a knot tonight sweetheart. We have to work you up to that. So tonight you are gonna ride my Omega while I knot him."

"Hey now," Dylan frowned. "How do you know what I can handle or not?" The human was getting sassy and offended. "I'll have you know that I am a size Queen and when I want to ride something massive I had lots of toys for that purpose."

Jin looked at Yoongi with his eyebrow raised, the cat was here the longest. Yoongi shrugged, "I never saw anything."

With a blush Dylan whined softly, "he wouldn't have," he whispered. "I couldn't let my Floofy see me riding a Mr. Hanky, he's an innocent kitty that shouldn't be exposed to that." He huffed a bit, "when I went to take my showers that's when I'd have my fun since Floofy always left me alone during them."

Yoongi scoffed, "if I would have known that's what you were doing I wouldn't have. Who needs to shift and stretch their legs when they could have watched the sexiest human alive riding a cock like a pro."

"You shifted when I was in the shower?" When Yoongi nodded Dylan focused back on Jin, "so I can take whatever you give me Alpha," he sassed with a smirk on his face. 

Jin rolled his eyes, "you say that now, but when you are stuck on my knot for half an hour wanting it to go down because it hurts.."

"Try me," he challenged.

"Not yet, let's see how well you ride Joon first."

Dylan deflated a bit with a huff, "fine, I'll ride him so good that he won't even care about your stupid knot." Then the human got up and stormed towards the bedroom that Joon was waiting in.

Yoongi clapped his hands slowly while grinning at the confused looking Jin that was still on his knees in front of the chair Dylan used to occupy. "Better go handle our Baby before you show up and him and Joon get it on without you."

Jin snapped to attention, his eyes flashing red before he got up and took off after his two. When he got into the bedroom, Dylan was straddling a very naked Joon and they were making out. Joon had his knees up, caging Dylan in, but it gave the Alpha an amazing view of his slicked up hole that was already stretched and ready for him. "Looks like you don't even need me," he mused.

Dylan sat up, looking at Jin. The human's lips were swollen from all the bites Joon gave him and his lids almost looked sleepy but they held so much need. Then that little shit opened his mouth. With a shrug of his shoulder he turned back to Joon, "sounds fine to me AlPhA," he mocked before kissing Joon again.

"You just keep digging your grave even deeper don't you baby?"

The human pulled back from the kiss, only enough that he could speak to Jin, "I can handle anything you give me and since you don't want to knot me, I no longer care." Then he went back to kissing Joon like the Alpha wasn't even there.

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