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Yoongi just stared at them, "did I stutter? He controls the weather."

Hobi looked confused and Tae, Tae laughed. He laughed in his deep baritone and it was pissing Yoongi off. "Controls the weather, did you hear that shit Hoba? Funniest shit I've heard in years."

"Look you can believe me or not, frankly I don't give a fuck either way. But he does control the weather and I'm afraid what is going to happen if he figures out we aren't actually animals. Animals make him happy, even if his therapist is mad about the way he came about acquiring us."

The fox cocked his head to the side a bit, "and how did you end up here?"

The cat snorted as he pulled Jimin closer to his body. "I was injured and hiding in his shed. He brought me back and fixed me up, found out I didn't have a chip like some random house cat. So I stayed." He turned to look at the Omega that was sitting next to him, his large blue eyes shining with amusement. "This one was eating all the cat food I rejected. It took Dylan a few weeks to convince him to come inside. But he did and imagine my surprise when the stupid food stealing raccoon was actually an Omega hybrid?"

"I'm not stupid," Jimin grumbled with a pout on his lips.

Yoongi reached over and ruffled his hair, "I know you aren't, I'm just teasing." Then he looked at the other two, "how determined are you to stay here until the bunny is better? Because if you stay that long, Dylan is going to get attached and if you leave after a while of being here he'll be sad." He sighed, running his hand through his hair, "I don't want him to be sad."

"You really care about him don't you?"

His eyes darted to the fox, "I do. I was trapped in a breeding facility before this. My best friend turned me in to make a quick buck. I had been in there for years."

"So there are a bunch of mini grumpy cats running around?"

Yoongi snorted, "naw, I got fixed when I was really young. Totally illegal but whatever. No kittens for me, ever." Jimin made a snorting sound, "does that bother you that I don't want kittens?"

Jimin shook his head, "no, I don't want kits either. I know as an Omega I'm pre-wired to want them. But why would I bring them into this world?"

"You couldn't pay me enough to have pups, it was hard enough raising Jungkook here."

Hobi rolled his eyes, "yeah I don't want any either."

Yoongi was about to say something when he heard Dylan singing as he was walking up to the house. "Shift, he's back and do not break his fucking heart or I'll break you in the worst way imaginable."

Dylan was so excited to have more animals to love on. He was a bit worried about the fox, but he tamed a raccoon, how hard could a fox be? He chuckled to himself because Adam is going to have a shit fit when he finds out what Dylan did. But he's thousands of miles away, so eh. He hauled in his, well haul. He ordered so much stuff that he hopes he can make his new guests happy. 

He ordered hay and enrichment toys for the bunny, two dog beds for his new pups. All the food and dishes they could ever need. Even some toys for the pups as well. He couldn't wait to see if the husky played fetch. He needs names for them. He couldn't keep calling them bun and pups. The bun could be Hoppy, no that's too on-brand. Then he smirked, Cinnabun. He was a beautiful cinnamon color! For the husky, he wanted to call him Whisper since he had never met a dog that loud and dramatic before. Then for the fox, he was thinking Pepper since he was a pretty black and silver.

He walked into the house and deposited all of the items on the counter, "Floofy, Bandit I'm home." Dylan heard a meow and the tiny barking sound that bandit makes when he's happy. He gave both of them some quick pets and then he turned to the other three, the bunny was still asleep which was mildly worrying, if he didn't wake up soon he'd have to go to a vet. He got down on the floor in front of them, he reached out slowly and pet the husky, "hi Whisper."

The husky cocked his head to the side, like he was curious. "It's because you are so loud." He swore he heard the dog snort but he knew for a fact that he was smiling as much as a dog could smile. He turned to look at the sleeping bunny, "and here we have Cinnabun, the cutest bun in the world." The fox shuffled forward, getting closer to Dylan, "I'm going to call you Pepper because of your pretty fur."

It took a bit to get everything set up and by the time he was done, the bun was starting to wake up. He walked over to try and pick him up, making the buns ears shoot up and take off running deeper into the house. That made the fox and dog chase after him both of them barking, which meant that Floofy was chasing after them and where Floofy goes, Bandit goes.

"Don't scare him! Floofy, Bandit, Pepper and Whisper get back in here. Let Cinnabun calm down, you can give him a fucking heart attack if you scare him too much." It was like they were listening, well all of them but Pepper. He whined outside the door to the linen closet. Dylan kneeled down in front of the fox and scratched his ears softly, "it'll be okay Pepper. Let him come out when he feels safe. It has to be scary to wake up in a new environment and around people and animals you don't know. He'll come around, I promise."

The fox whimpered but walked towards Whisper and laid down with him, his head laying down on his paws while Whisper laid his head over the fox's back.

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