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Dylan pulled back, panting, "Jimin, if you don't stop I'm going to cum."

Jimin whimpered, trying to rock his hips more, "want that," he mumbled before he leaned back in and kissed the human again.

With a loud groan, Dylan let go, he stopped holding Jimin back and let the hybrid do as he pleased. His hands went under Jimin's shirt, the hybrids skin was so soft, so smooth making him groan even more and kiss Jimin harder. With a loud whimper and a few more rocks of Jimin's hips, they came together.

"Great Jimin, now we'll have to send Jin out to get more clothes."

Dylan snorted, "why is that so bad?"

"Jin can hide his hybrid features since his ears are so tiny. But he has a big love of pink and unlike him, I prefer black."

"Sssooo, I'm still confused."

Yoongi sighed as he walked over towards the human and Omega, he lifted up Jimin's shirt showing Dylan the mess of slick and cum that were covering his shorts. "I'm assuming yours are just as messy. We didn't have time to pack up clothes, all we have is what we have on. But now you two are messy and need to be cleaned up."

He picked Jimin up and motioned for Jungkook to grab Dylan, "Jungkook, put me down you are injured," Dylan yelled as he hit the Beta's shoulder softly.

The bun just shrugged, "I'm fine, I can handle carrying my tiny human."

"Tiny?" Dylan squawked, "I am not tiny. I'm bigger than you are."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "oh yeah, you sure about that?" The hybrid slid Dylan down his body very slowly, when the human was on his feet his eyes were about level with Jungkook's chin. "And I'm still growing," he smirked.

Dylan huffed and turned around, Yoongi already had Jimin in the tub and he had his hand out waiting for Dylan, "come on, it's your turn."

The human crossed his arms over his chest, "I am not getting in there with Jimin. I can bathe myself thank you very much."

Jimin's lips started to waver as tears filled his eyes, "was I not good enough for you? It was my first time, I can learn and be better."

Yoongi was watching the Omega and it finally dawned on him that the little shit uses his tears to get his way. But in this instance, he was thankful for it because Dylan immediately stripped his dirty clothes off and got into the tub. He pulled the Omega into his lap and rubbed his back cooing at him about how perfect he is and how great that was.

The Alpha looked at the Beta with a stern look, the Beta at least had the decency to look a bit ashamed. So they both played him, good to know. He snorted before getting the soap and rag ready. He cleaned the two in the tub up and then he got Jungkook to remove the bandages and get in with them. It was getting a bit tight in there but with Jimin on Dylan's lap and Jungkook practically glued to their side, it was fine.

"Thank you Alpha," Jimin whispered with a smug grin on his face.

"You're very welcome Baby, now let's get you three out. Jin should be back with clothes by now. We need to get some rest, it was a crazy day and an even crazier night." And he was right, Jin was back with matching fluffy pink pj's for all of them. Yoongi rolled his eyes but at this point, there was no reason to argue. Jin and Joon went to one room, Hobi and Tae to the other and the last four took the room that had two beds.

Jungkook announced that he was going to sleep in Dylan's bed in case he needed help with his bandages throughout the night. The Alpha rolled his eyes but he was fine with that because it meant that he would have Jimin all night.

Dylan was nervous, he hasn't been around humans in five years. Now he has three of them in the same room as him, and four others in other rooms in the hotel suite. But they weren't like normal humans. He looked over to his right and there was his Floofy and Bandit. All he could see was the top of their heads and their little ears. Jimin was asleep on top of Yoongi and snoring softly.

Jungkook had an arm thrown over Dylan's waist and one of his ears was tickling the human's cheek. Could he do this? Could he be around humans even if they aren't quite 100% human? His heart was starting to race, making his emotions go haywire, which of course made the blizzard outside get stronger. He felt lips on the side of his neck, "sleep Dilly, everything will be okay, I promise."

It wasn't enough, but it was a start. Soon he had Jimin on top of him and Yoongi on one side and Jungkook on the other. He fell asleep surrounded by the comfort his pets always gave him. When he woke up the next morning it was to loud whispers, "you three can't have him all to yourselves."

Dylan blinked his eyes open, Tae was standing at the end of the bed with his fists on his hips. He was staring at Yoongi with an annoyed expression on his face. "And I wasn't planning on it, but don't you feel like we should ease him into realizing we are all hybrids before we drop the we love you and want to be with you bomb?"

Tae started to respond but Dylan squeaked a bit, the two Alphas looked at him. "Sorry we didn't mean to wake you," Yoongi whispered as he side-eyed the younger Alpha.

Jimin wiggled a bit to make himself more comfortable, smacking his lips a bit before they went back to his signature pout. Dylan smiled as he reached down to gently caress the hybrid laying on him. "He really is adorable," he whispered.

Tae snorted, "don't let the cute face fool you, I'm fairly sure he's full evil on the inside." Jimin huffed before sitting up on the human and glaring at the youngest Alpha.

My 7 little hybridsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin