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"I've got you Baby," Hobi whispered as he kissed along Tae's jawline. "I'll make you feel good."

When Hobi's long fingers wrapped around Tae's cock, the younger sighed, leaning his forehead onto Hobi's shoulder so he could just feel everything Hobi was doing to him. "Feels so good," he slurred, almost like he was drunk.

It made Hobi chuckle quietly, Tae may act the Alpha when he needs to. But anyone that knows them, knows that Hobi is actually in charge. When Tae forbid him from bringing Kook to the human, Hobi just rolled his eyes and waited until he was gone to do it anyway. Yes Tae was pissed and yelled at him for it, but all it took was Tae being scruffed and the yelling stopped.

"I love you my Baby," Hobi whispered right before he flicked his wrist. They'd been together long enough that they knew what each other wanted and needed. Hobi sank down onto his knees and took Tae's entire length into his mouth. It makes for easier cleanup. As soon as Tae came, his knees buckled. Hobi reached out and caught him before he fell completely onto the floor. 

When the younger yawned, Hobi cooed at him. "Is my Baby tired?" Once Tae nodded, Hobi picked him up and placed him in the bed next to Dylan. Tae being the snuggler that he is, immediately rolled over and pulled the human into his arms. Dylan rolled over and nuzzled his face into Tae's chest. "Aww, I have the cutest babies in the world."

Tae smiled and reached out a hand blindly wanting Hobi there with him. "Hobi," he whined making grabby hands with his eyes still shut, "cuddle."

"I'm coming baby."

"Better not be," Tae mumbled with a soft smile on his face.

"Yah," Hobi whisper yelled, "don't be mean or I'll have to punish you." As fun as that sounded, Tae dropped it. He was beyond tired and all he wanted to do was cuddle with his loves.

Dylan woke up and he was really warm, he was between two bodies but he didn't know who. He was almost too scared to open his eyes and find out that it was just a dream. "Why are you upset?" Hobi mumbled all sleepily, "if I can smell it then you must be really upset."

"So this is real? I'm not dreaming."

Hobi smiled around his yawn, "it you are dreaming then we are having the same dream." He sat up pulling Dylan up with him, which caused Tae to whine and reach for him mumbling about how it was cold now. "We better wake him up, otherwise he'll whine for the next hour."

"How do we wake him up?"

With a grin, Hobi clapped his hands together, "the same way you wake us up when we are pups."

Dylan looked shocked, "but I wake you up with pets and kisses!"

"Exactly, pet his soft ears and give him lots of kisses."

The human bit his lip a bit, did he want to kiss Tae? Of course he did, he hasn't stopped thinking about the kiss they shared last night. But if he was being honest with himself, he wanted to kiss Hobi too. He wanted to know what sunshine tasted like. He just didn't know how to say that without embarrassing himself. So he did the only thing he could think of, he turned to pet in between Tae's cute fluffy ears and he kissed all over his face until the hybrid woke up and rolled them over.

Tae hovered above Dylan, a goofy grin spread across his face. "Oh what a way to wake up," he exclaimed before he dove back in for another kiss.

"Wish I would have woke up this way vs waking up to the smell of an upset Dylan."

The husky pulled back from the kiss, worry all across his features, "you were upset? Why?"

"I woke up and could feel you guys, but I was afraid that if I opened my eyes I'd realize that it was all a dream." He sniffled a bit, "I didn't want it to be a dream."

"Aww Baby, it's not a dream. I told you last night that you were stuck with us."

The human looked so shy, "I just don't know what I have to offer you. I'm terrified of humans and my home burned down. I have nowhere for us to live anymore and I can't even get us a new place."

"I've lived in the wild my entire life, as long as I have you guys, I'm good."

"But Hobi, I-I can't live out there," his emotions were getting the better of him making the weather outside pick up.

"Baby, I know that. And I promise you that we will have a home again. Jin can pass for a human, and even Joon can as well. The rest of us just have to wear hats to hide our ears. We can handle everything, we'll find a place that's safe for all of us. You won't have to walk for hours to get supplies anymore."

Dylan smiled, "how did I not notice all the food that was going missing? Like I went from needing groceries every other week to sometimes twice a week and my bill more than quadrupled."

"Yoongi did say that you were the most absentminded human he'd ever met in his life. And honestly, no offense, you kinda are. Like you had seven hybrids living with you and you had no idea."

"You don't have to be so mean about it Tae, I get I'm an idiot but in my defense I didn't think hybrids were real. I had heard about them, but I'd never met one so I assumed that it was just another mystical animal like dragons and unicorns."

"Wait until we tell you about dragon shifters?" Tae mused.

Dylan sat up, his entire being screamed super duper excited. "There are dragons?" He practically yelled at them.

Hobi smacked Tae on the back of the head, "don't do that to him. You got him all excited for nothing."

The human deflated a bit, "you lied?" The weather was getting worse, bad enough that the others crashed into the room demanding what happened.

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