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Tae was freaking out, this tiny little human that is an absolute ball of sunshine killed 200 people? There's no freaking way. He's never wanted the human to go to sleep so badly before, he kept Kook and Hobi away as much as he could without it being too obvious. He was the Alpha, it was his job to protect his pack, even if it was a strange pack.

The moment that Dylan went to bed Tae shifted and stood in front of the sleeping cat with his arms crossed. Yoongi blinked his eyes open, hissing at the proximity of the other hybrid. He shifted, pissed off at being woken from his nap in front of the fire. "That was just rude."

Tae shrugged, "you said it was safe here. Hard to be safe when the human has killed more people than an evil dictator."

"He didn't kill them, he just blames himself for their deaths."

"Explain because I will not put my Betas in danger."

Yoongi sighed, pulling the blanket around his shoulders. It smelled like Jimin and it calmed him down a bit. "His dad was dying and he was away at college. He's terrified of flying because of the weather thing. He gets to the airport because his dad doesn't have days, he barely has hours. The sky is already reflecting his emotions, he tries to get off the plane and the air marshal arrests him and forces him to stay on the plane. He can't control his emotions, especially not when his dad was dying. It was a freak accident, normally planes can handle some ice. This one couldn't."

"He thinks it's his fault?"

The cat nodded his head, "no matter what anyone says, he takes 100% of the blame. I've heard the Doctor talk about it, it honestly sounded like pilot error, like they didn't know what to do to pull the plane up in time."

"So that's what he was talking about that first time the Doctor was on the tv?" Yoongi nodded his head quickly making Tae frown. "No wonder he doesn't want to be around people."

"Next week is going to be hard on him and we'll need to be there for him. I'm afraid of what the weather is going to do with his mood. It could get really really bad."

Yoongi was extra attentive over the next week. Always making sure that he was around Dylan for cuddles. The human always seems to calm down if he's touching Yoongi, as his fingers moved through the dark fur his breathing and heartbeat calmed down with each stroke.

"I'm so happy you guys are here Floofy. You don't even understand how hard the past 4 years were. This past year with you and then the others has been everything. Tomorrow if I seem out of it I'm sorry. I promise to feed you guys but I won't be able to play with the pups. You're the oldest so you're in charge." Dylan smiled softly as he scratched his ears. "Be nice to Whisper. You are great with Pepper, so do the same with Whisper."

Yoongi meowed before he grumbled to himself that he'll never be nice to that flea-infested loud-ass mutt. But the meow was enough for Dylan because Yoongi got several kisses for being such a good boy. Making Jimin do his cute little honking sound he makes when he's laughing as a raccoon. The Alpha didn't even have the heart to hiss at the Omega.

It was a laid back day, Dylan played with the pups outside for about an hour before Yoongi's howling brought him back inside. Both Tae and Hobi loved when Dylan would throw snowballs for them to catch. They spent the entire hour running around barking happily while Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook snuggled on the seat on the porch. 

They could tell that Jungkook wanted to go play as well, but he was still too injured to play in the snow. Until he was fully healed he was confided to be under the guard of Yoongi per Dylan's instructions. Jungkook whined as soon as the human was out of earshot. Thankfully he stopped when Jimin brought him some butter lettuce to snack on. It seemed to be a favorite of the bun.

After dinner, Dylan loved on all the animals and then went to bed with a long sigh. Jimin shifted, his eyes looking at the door to Dylan's room, "please tell me he'll be okay?"

The Alpha wrapped his arms and tail around the Omega, "we'll do everything we can to make sure he is. I promise you okay. We'll take care of our human."

Jimin let out a little purr before bending down to pick up the bunny that was at his feet. Jimin giggled as the rabbit started chinning him. Jimin held Jungkook closer, rubbing his face back on the bun's head. Their scents mixing, Jimin with his flowers and Jungkook with his smell of fresh vegetables. Yoongi's Alpha was prickling a bit, not liking that his scent on Jimin was getting covered up.

"I'll make food, Hobi do you want to help me?" He couldn't stand there for much longer or his scent will give his feelings away. The happy going fox was more than willing to help. He changed into his human form and bounced right behind Yoongi to the kitchen. He chopped the veggies the Alpha gave him, even sneaking a few for the excited bunny that was hopping around his feet the entire time.

"Kook, if you want to have that steak again you are going to have to shift."

The bun sneezed and shook his head, his way of saying no. Jimin padded over and picked him up. "Please Jungkookie, I have so much fun playing with your hair. Alpha gets annoyed when I mess with his."

"I do not," Yoongi replied. He actually loves when Jimin plays with his hair, he loves when Jimin pays him any sort of attention. But he's not going to admit that out loud. He blushed a bit at Tae's loud snort and Jimin's soft giggle. "I don't mind," he mumbled as he turned back to the steak he was making.

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