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Every time Dylan turned around while he cleaned up the counter he'd see Bandit out of the corner of his eye sneaking food to all the animals on the countertop with him. Then he'd toss food over his back to the two begging pups that were whining on the floor. Dylan was going to say something, scold the raccoon but he couldn't. It was just so cute how a wild animal was feeding all the other animals.

When the treats were ready all the animals lined up from smallest to largest, much to Whisper's annoyance. He sang the song of his people to let everyone know that he didn't agree with being last. It made Dylan giggle at how dramatic the husky was. Hedwig and MoMo were too new so he didn't even try and get them to do tricks. But Cinnabun knew the drill, he hopped around in a circle to get his treat. 

Bandit bowed and clapped his hands together for his, Floofy was always reluctant to do tricks around the others. Which was silly because he had no qualms about doing it before the others showed up. But he meowed in protest before standing on his hind legs and waving his paws in the air. Pepper likes to shake hands and sit pretty and Whisper, well he likes to roll over and very dramatically play dead. His tongue hanging out and all.

They watched some movies, ate lots of food and cuddled on the couch for the rest of the night. It was nice, he liked this. This was the happiest he'd been since his Dad died. He felt a tickling on his cheek and he looked to see Cinnabun's ear. Dylan giggled when he realized what the bun was doing. "Aww are you marking your territory my little bunny?"

A little squeak left the rabbit as he hopped down and shoved his face into Floofy's belly like he was trying to hide from the embarrassment. Another giggle left Dylan because there was no way a rabbit would get embarrassed, right? He reached over pulling the bun's tail lightly, "I'm sorry I embarrassed you. But just between you and me, I don't mind. Lord knows Floofy leaves his scent all over me."

He swore he heard a scoff, he really is going insane. "My therapist is going to have a field day when I tell him all this," he grumbled as he got up. "I'm heading to bed so I can figure out what to say to Adam tomorrow about how I acquired an owl and a sugar glider."

By the time it was his appointment, he still didn't have a good excuse. "You look so guilty, what did you do now?" Joon hooted softly, the doctor's eyes going wide. "Dylan."

"In my defense, he literally crashed through my window and dropped MoMo into my lap."

Dr. Smith cocked his head to the side a bit, "and who is MoMo?"

Dylan went to the cage to pick MoMo up, he was looking a lot better than he did that first time he saw him. "This is MoMo," as soon as he got the words out, Hedwig flew over to stand on Dylan's shoulder. "And this beautiful guy is Hedwig."

"Hedwig was a girl."

"Hedwig is a fictional character, therefore I can make them any gender I want," Dylan said with a shrug.

"No you can't," his therapist argued.

Dylan snorted, "clearly you've never read fan fiction."

Dr. Smith chose to ignore that, "so MoMo and Hedwig," he sighed. "Why did Hedwig crash through your window?"

"The only thing I can think of is he tried to eat MoMo and felt bad. Or maybe crashing through the window was an accident, it was really blizzardy outside that day. Maybe he couldn't see, but either way MoMo was dropped in my lap and Hedwig refused to leave."

"So now you have two more animals?"

"Yeah, I guess so. But it's really nice, they give me a reason to get up every morning and ever since Floofy showed up almost a year ago, I've been so happy."

That seemed to make Dr. Smith happy, he leaned forward in his chair, "happy enough that we could brave some people?"

Dylan froze up, "no absolutely not. Maybe at some point, but I'm not there yet. Please don't make me."

A soft sigh as the therapist sat back in his chair, "I won't, but eventually you'll have to get back into society. The cabin was supposed to be a temporary solution, not a permanent hiding place."

He wouldn't look at the Doctor, "I'm not hiding," he mumbled, "I'm just not ready."

Cinnabun hopped over to Dylan and laid down on his lap, it was nice, and comforting. "Okay Dylan, I'll see you again next week. But please, for the love of all things holy, no more animals."

"I make no promises, but I won't actively look for any." Once Dr. Smith was off the Tv Dylan laid down on the couch, pulling Cinnabun up to his chest. "I think seven animals is more than enough, but I didn't even tell him what I'm most worried about."

The bun popped his head up, his head cocked to the side a bit. "I feel like I'm going insane, I hear voices all the time. I talk to you guys like you actually understand. But what makes it a million times worse is, it really does seem like you understand. Even now, you cocked your head to the side and you are looking at me like we are having a conversation. I've never had a pet before, but I don't think that's normal."

Jungkook was freaking out, Dylan was right. They aren't acting like normal animals, shit shit shit. What does he do? Thankfully Tae saved him by howling like he was dying. Dylan sat up, holding him as he ran towards the howling dog.

"Oh Whisper, what's wrong?" Tae was limping around, with his front paw in the air. "My poor baby, here let me look." Dylan placed Cinnabun on the ground and sat down in front of the husky, he gently took the paw and looked at it. "I don't see anything, how about I kiss it and make it better?"

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