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Yoongi was plotting the death of a raccoon he hasn't even seen. The sneaky little trash panda has done everything to avoid the hybrid and it's starting to piss him off. He saw him once, three days later, but it was just him running away with a handful of cat food. Other than that he hasn't seen him at all. 

"Floofy," Dylan called from the kitchen, "it's almost bedtime. I'm going to put out food for Bandit and then we can head to bed, okay?"

The cat wanted to roll his eyes so hard, no it most certainly was not okay. But what could he do? Every night Dylan put out a bowl of food and every morning the food was gone. Tonight, tonight he'd catch the sneaky bastard and scare him off. Because as much as Dylan is against murder, he and Yoongi are not the same. And if it takes Yoongi eating some garbage animal to protect himself, that's what he'll do.

But somehow either this raccoon is a fucking ninja, or Yoongi just succumbed to sleep because he never saw him.

"So what have you been up to?" The therapist narrowed his eyes, "and why do you look so guilty?"

Dylan was fidgeting with his hands, doing everything to avoid looking at his Doctor. "Nothing, just taking care of Floofy that's all."

"Uh-huh, and what else?"

Yoongi meowed, snitching on his human to the Doctor on Tv. But it's not like anyone understands him. Dylan sighed as he reached out and stroked down Yoongi's back. "I've been feeding that raccoon you know? But I was thinking that maybe I could bring him inside?"

Both the therapist and Yoongi yelled at the same time, the therapist yelled what and Yoongi yelled hell no but it came out like a howl. There was no way he'd let some rabid animal in his den. "Dylan, that is a wild animal. They belong outside."

"It's freezing outside, he could die."

"It's what they are used to. You can't have a raccoon."

Dylan huffed a bit, "I can and I will. You haven't seen him Adam. I read on Google how they like to be clean so I gave him a little bowl of water and he washes his hands and face before and after he eats. It's the cutest shit ever. At first he wouldn't come near me, but now he'll take food directly from my hand. People have them as pets all over, why can't I?"

"But you have Floofy, why do you need a raccoon?"

"It's not about needing, it's about doing what's right. Humans have been domesticating animals for thousands of years. I mean cats domesticated themselves, but the rest of them were on us. We wouldn't have horses or dogs if we didn't go 'oh aren't you cute, you are coming home with me.' So why can't I domesticate a raccoon? If he wants to come with me then he should be able to."

Doctor Smith sighed heavily, "that's not how it works. It's an animal it can't make a decision. You've been feeding it for weeks now, of course if you open your door it's going to run into warmth. But so would a toddler. They aren't capable of making decisions for themselves."

Dylan pouted just like Yoongi knew he would, he also knew that soon he'd have a fucking dirty ass raccoon living in his house and he did not like that at all. "Pigeons make great pets and most people just think of them as rats with wings. But if you look at the data they actually make amazing starter birds and they thrive in captivity."

Yoongi has never been so exasperated with a human before, and he swore to God that if Dylan brought home a fucking street chicken that it would make a great fucking meal because he's not dealing with bird shit. "Fine, I know you are going to do whatever you want. Just know that if you get rabies you have to see a Doctor or you will die."

"It's a risk I'm willing to take," Dylan said with so much confidence. This surprised Yoongi, he hasn't seen another human other than Dylan in months. As soon as the Doctor was off the screen Dylan squealed and his entire body shook. "Floofy, you are getting a new brother. Aren't you excited?"

No, no he was not. But there wasn't much he could do about it until the stupid thing is in the house. Then he can scare the life out of him and make sure he runs far far away and for good. It happened that night, Dylan left the backdoor open with a trail of cat food leading into the front entrance of the cabin.

At first, Yoongi didn't even notice, it wasn't until he heard Dylan's low murmurs and the door closing that the lazy cat woke up from his spot in front of the fire. "Floofy, come here." Yoongi got up and stretched a bit before making his way to Dylan, but before he got there the smell hit him. That wasn't a normal animal, it was a fucking hybrid. Now he was even more pissed.

Unless that hybrids nose is fucking broken he would have smelled Yoongi's scent that was left all over the place. He hissed as soon as their eyes locked, the raccoon at least had the decency to look guilty. But he kept eating the food that Dylan had left out. Yoongi cocked his head to the side and started to feel guilty. How desperate did this hybrid have to be to eat cat food for weeks?

Dylan was fussing around making a little bed for the raccoon while Floofy was sniffing it and smacking it in the face with his tail, "be nice Floofy, Bandit is a sweetheart." Both hybrids looked at each other, they'd have to shift once the human went to bed. They had some things to clear up.

As soon as Dylan was asleep Yoongi hopped down from the bed and shifted in the hallway. "You have a lot of explaining to do, Bandit," Yoongi sneered. 

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