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Yoongi was in the back of a wagon, full of food and wrapped in a scarf that smelled like the air right before a lightning storm. And he was pissed. The human was shivering, clearly needing the scarf more than the fur-covered cat ever would. But why should he care about the human that was suffering? All humans were the same, they seem nice at first and then they turn on you. His last human friend was the reason he was turned into a breeding facility. 

Hybrids weren't illegal, lots of them were around. But if they ever wanted to be in their human forms, they had to be owned by a human. So many chose to stay in their animal forms. Yoongi, waited years before he showed his friend his true form. And in turn he found himself in the facility a day later. Alpha Maine Coon's could get top dollar since so many people wanted domestic and exclusive cats. They made great gifts for children, a friend they could be raised with, that also turns into a fluffy cat.

He was snapped out of his thoughts with a loud hiss when he felt himself being lifted up, "sorry, I need to get you inside so I can check to see where you are injured." The human carried him inside and sat him down on the kitchen counter. "I'm going to check you over, if I hurt you feel free to bite me. But don't like scratch me, that shit gets infected easily and I really do NOT want to see a Doctor. Got it?"

Yoongi just blinked at him, isn't going to a Doctor a normal human thing? He's observed lots of humans do it, why is this one so adverse to it? But he just laid his head on his paws since he can't exactly answer him. The human slowly reached out, running his hands up and down Yoongi's body. Everything was fine until he got to Yoongi's left shoulder, he howled loudly and hissed.

His claws came out and he was about to scratch the human but he heard the calm words, "so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm not sure how to fix it, but I'll do my best." He pulled out a medical kit, wrapping his arm up so he couldn't use it at all. "Sorry, I sorta made you into a tripod, but if you aren't better in a few days. I swear I'll brave the humans to get you to a vet."

Again, he's human so why is he so scared of other humans? Yoongi has never been so confused in his life. But he was warm and his arm didn't hurt as much, so there's that. "Are you hungry?" Hungry didn't even begin to explain what he was feeling, it's been so long since he's had an actual meal. "I don't have cat food, but I do have some turkey and some chicken. You are welcome to those."

Dylan hummed to himself as he got some food ready for the hungry kitty. He felt his ribs, the poor cat had to be starving to death. He paused as soon as he set the plate in front of the cat, "damnit, I don't have a litter box," he groaned. "Please don't shit in my house," he begged.

Yoongi really wanted to roll his eyes, like he'd base himself to shitting in a box, let alone on someone's rug. But he just let the human freak out, since it's not like he can tell him that he uses the toilet like a normal person would.

Life with the weird human was, well weird. Yoongi was treated like a prized pet, he was doted on, taken care of better than he's ever been in his life and the human talked to him like he expected Yoongi to answer him. The human was fretting about the house, mumbling to himself that he didn't have time for therapy today. 

Therapy? What therapy? But he got his answer about 15 minutes later when the tv turned on and there was a man sitting behind a desk, "oh, Dylan you got a cat? I'm so proud of you."

So his name is Dylan, good to know.

"I did! His name is Floofy," Yoongi might have hissed at that. He's been called Floofy a million times since he's been picked up but he still doesn't like it. He'd rather be called little kitty than Floofy.

The Doctor chuckled, "I don't think he likes that name. And how did you handle the adoption process? Was it hard being around people?"

Dylan looked extremely embarrassed, "I didn't adopt him actually. I found him."

"And did you take him to the vet and see if he had any owners and they were looking for him? He looks like he's hurt Dylan."

The boy started to tear up a bit, "I helped him, he's gotten a lot better since I got him a week ago."

"He still might have owners Dylan." The Doctor sighed a bit as he leaned forward, "you need to take him to a vet, see if he's chipped."

Yoongi absolutely did not want that to happen, if he went to a vet he'd be outed as a hybrid. "I can't do that and you know it. But I can buy a chip scanner online and scan him myself." That sounded like a great idea, he'd be scanned and Dylan would see that he had no chip since hybrids don't get chipped like regular pets.

"Dylan, it's been four years."

"Yes I know, it's been four years since I killed 200 people including my father."

"You didn't kill anyone, it was a freak accident and your plane crashed. Your father had cancer and was already dying Dylan. We've talked about this."

They had, but Dylan knows it wasn't pilot error, he knows he's the reason the plane came down. Ice is when he's at his worst, and ice is what brought the plane down. Yoongi cocked his head to the side, what is going on? He was so confused. This kid thinks he's the reason a plane crashed and 200 people died?

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