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"Well Taehyung, your bun should be better by morning. Then I expect you three to leave my home."

The fox whined again it sounded like he was begging, Yoongi looked at him with a raised eyebrow. If he wanted to plead his case he'd have to do it like a human because he doesn't speak dog. The silver fox shifted, his hair matching his fur perfectly. "Please let us stay, or at least Kookie. He's not made for this weather, we found him when he was a kit. An actual fox had killed and eaten his entire family. He was the runt and was hidden under the nest. Tae and I saved him and we've raised him as best as we can. But he's a bunny and he's not meant to live out there with us."

Yoongi was about to tell him to fuck off that it wasn't his problem when he heard Jimin's distressed whimper. "Please Alpha, he's just a baby."

The Cat scoffed, "he's a grown ass man. Just like you are." He turned his attention back to the two dogs, "look, I sympathize with you guys, I really do. But my, our human isn't like other humans."

"That's why we came here," Hobi pleaded. "He is so nice to hybrids, we've been watching you guys, even stealing food scraps when we could. We just need help, Tae and I will be fine. But Jungkook is barely 18, he's only shifted when we've made him and he needs help."

"That's the issue, our human is terrified of other humans. Long story, but he has no idea what hybrids even are and he thinks that we are actually a cat and a raccoon."

Tae's ears perked up, "but that's perfect, bun hates shifting to his human form. He much prefers the freedom of being in his animal form."

"Please Alpha," Jimin whispered, his arms coming around Yoongi to hold him from behind. Yoongi's traitorous tail wrapped around the Omega behind him.

"Fuck, fine. But you two have to leave, our human is going to try and get you to stay. Do not stay, or else your bun will be my dinner."

Both of them growled while Jimin sniffled behind Yoongi, "hello," a sleepy and scared voice called from the other side of the house.

Yoongi's eyes went wide, "shift," he whispered, "now."

Dylan heard voices, he swears he did. But when he walked out into the living room with his trusty bat in hand. All he found was five animals in his living room. The two pups were on either side of the sleeping bunny and Bandit and Floofy were on the other side of the carpet staring at them. "Huh, must have been a dream." He mumbled to himself. He walked over to his kitty and picked him up, "come on Floofy, I can't sleep without you." He mumbled as he rubbed his face on Yoongi's head.

Yoongi glared at the three newcomers and then meowed for Jimin to follow. Jimin liked to sleep in his nest under the bed where he felt safest. It took a long time for Yoongi to settle down, he knows his human, and he will try everything to keep those stupid mutts. Life was simple before all these other animals showed up. He's gotten used to having Jimin around, he's almost cat like anyway. But now with two loud ass dogs in the mix?

The next morning he was right, Dylan was going on and on about all the stuff he needed to buy to keep the dogs and that stupid rabbit. He had been on Google for hours making a list of everything he needed to order. Yoongi spent the entire time glaring at them and hissing anytime they so much as moved.

But when Dylan excitedly got ready with the wagon Yoongi knew he has lost. His human had made the decision and unless he can convince the stupid mutts to run away, he was stuck with them. They better not ruin this for him, this is the happiest he's ever been. The safest too. 

As soon as Dylan was gone he shifted, marching over to the stupid dogs. "Leave now, before he gets back with all this shit he bought."

Tae growled before shifting, "I'm not leaving until I know that bun is safe. So you can fuck off you stupid cat. You aren't the only Alpha here."

Yoongi hissed again, but it didn't sound as scary in his human form. "Alpha, maybe it'll be okay. You see how happy Dylan is with animals. Maybe this will make the snow stop."

"What is the raccoon talking about?"

Another hiss left Yoongi's lips, "that raccoon has a name, it's Jimin. And you don't need to worry about it."

The other Alpha stepped up, making Jimin shrink himself behind Yoongi. "Sorry Alpha," the Omega whispered.

His tail came out and wrapped around Jimin in a protective hold. "Don't worry about the snow, it's for us to deal with."

"But it's not normal snow is it? Yes it's winter now, but it's been winter here for years. I've lived on this mountain my entire life and until four years ago, it had four seasons." The fox was still holding the sleeping rabbit protectively against his body.

Yoongi sighed as he sat down on the couch, he pulled Jimin with him knowing that the scared Omega wouldn't want to be out in the open with another Alpha around. "Our human isn't like other humans."

"You've said that," Tae sighed. "We get it, he doesn't like other humans."

"But you don't know why he doesn't like other humans. There's a lot to tell you and we don't have that long before he gets back." So they paid attention, listening to every word that Yoongi had to say. Tae scoffed a few times and Hobi gasped more than once.

"You are telling me he's the reason that it's always winter here?"

Tae looked at Hobi and rolled his eyes, "what like he's Elsa with magical ice powers? No way I don't believe it."

"He doesn't have ice powers," Yoongi countered.

Tae waved his hands in the air as proof, "see, told you."

"He controls the weather."

Both mutts looked at the cat and screamed "WHAT?"

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