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The hybrid shifted right in front of Yoongi's eyes and he was the prettiest Omega Yoongi had ever seen. He was smaller, a little smaller than Yoongi, blonde hair and blue eyes. The direct opposite of Yoongi's black hair and brown eyes. The pretty boy dropped his head, he was so skinny, Yoongi could see all of his ribs. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. I've been on my own since I was a kit. But my first heat is coming up and."

The boy was looking everywhere but at Yoongi, the elder sighed, "and you smelled an Alpha lived here and decided this was going to be your new home? Do you know how dangerous that is?"

The poor kid's shoulders dropped before they started to shake, he was crying. "I know, I'm sorry. I don't need help, I can stay in my animal form. I just, I just didn't feel safe out there, in the cold. I know this is your home. I promise I'll leave after it's over, your human was just so nice to me and I've never had that before."

Yoongi sighed, "what's your name kid?"

The raccoon sniffled a bit, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand. "Jimin, it's the name I picked for myself."

"Well Jimin, that's a very pretty name. Fitting, are you hungry? I know that hybrids can't sustain themselves on cat food, it's why I refuse to eat it. Do you want me to make you something?"

The younger stomach growled so loudly, "please, if that's okay?" He took a step closer to Yoongi, "I haven't had real food in over a year unless I dug it out of someone's garbage."

"Lordy so me calling you a trash panda was accurate," Yoongi snorted.

Jimin cocked his head to the side, "what's a trash panda?"

The elder's eyes went wide, "nothing, don't worry about it. Come on let's get some food in you."

Yoongi couldn't even be mad, Jimin stayed out of the way and Dylan was so happy to have him in the house. Whenever Jimin stood on his hind legs and clapped as he grabbed food Dylan would giggle so happily that the sun would shine through the large front window and make the best nap spot. So he figured he'd tolerate the furry little intruder.

But a week later Jimin went into heat, as an Alpha Yoongi was going crazy. The sweet scent of flowers was filling the air, the only thing that stopped him from pouncing on the younger was the fact that they were different species. So he did all he could to help the poor raccoon. He scented him and let him burrow under Dylan's bed with the softest blankets that smelled like the two of them. Dylan was worried why Jimin didn't seem to be eating and the fact that he was hiding most of the time.

The cat was worried when he started talking about having a vet come out to make sure that he didn't do anything to hurt the poor wild animal. Jimin had at least two more days until his heat was over, and Yoongi was panicking that Dylan would do something before then. If he called a vet, they'd both be outed as hybrids. While Dylan doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference, a vet sure would.

Thankfully the humans' fear of other humans kept him from calling and as soon as Jimin's heat was over he was back to his cute adorable self. As soon as Dylan went to bed Yoongi shifted and motioned for Jimin to follow him. It was their nightly routine. They'd shift and stretch their legs, occasionally shower and then they'd make something to eat. 

"Are you sure he doesn't know what we are?"

Yoongi looked over his shoulder, his black ear moving in curiosity on the top of his head. "I'm sure. Why are you worried?"

"No it's just, we eat his food and use his stuff. How has he not noticed any of it going missing?"

The elder snorted, "he's the most absent-minded human I've ever met. He's more concerned with the weather than anything else."

He could smell the younger getting closer his chin resting on Yoongi's shoulder, "why is he so obsessed with the weather? I heard him talking to that man on the box. Does he really think he controls it?"

Yoongi slid their food onto the plates he had laid out, "he does control the weather. Pay attention to his moods. When he's really happy, the sun shines so brightly that I get the best naps of my life. When he's mad or sad, the snow beats down on the cabin like it's trying to destroy the house."

"But it's winter, it should snow. We are on a mountain," Jimin pouted.

"When I got here, it was July and it was just as snowy outside. Now I don't know a lot about weather since I lived most of my life in a breeding facility but I do know that it should have been hot outside. Not blizzard weather."

The younger blue eyes were wide open as well as his lips, Yoongi stabbed some of the chicken he made and placed it in Jimin's mouth. He hummed around the bite as he chewed, "I like it here."

"I do too, I just hope you are the last hybrid he drags home." Words Yoongi would soon regret, because just a few weeks later there was loud howling outside their house that caused Dylan to run outside in nothing but shorts and a t-shirt. The hybrid cursed at the stupid human, because while Yoongi could handle the cold since he was protected by a fur coat, Dylan was merely a human and could not handle the cold for long. 

Even less when his emotions were all over the place and it was causing the snow to go a bit haywire. Yoongi stood behind Dylan meowing trying to get him to come inside but the stubborn human was not listening. Then they heard it again, a loud howl coming from the tree line. As soon as Yoongi realized what it was and hissed, Dylan had already taken off barefoot across the yard.

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