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"Oh my God, put that bunny down right now you mean fox!" Dylan screamed as he ran towards the fox. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead." He glared at the fox in front of him and the fox honestly looked worried. He gently placed the bunny in Dylan's hands and whined. Dylan stood up and pulled the bunny close to his body, "follow me, if he dies you are so in trouble. I don't care how pretty you are."

He spun around and stomped back towards the house, the panicky fox right behind him and Floofy right next to him meowing like he was giving a lecture. "I get it, I'm going in now. Calm down Floofy, the bunny is hurt." He laid the bun on the counter, he was breathing rapid and his back leg was covered in blood. "You poor baby," he started to clean up the bunny, he could hear the fox scratching at the door and whining.

"Look Floofy, I think he lost a toe." Tears were falling down Dylan's face and Yoongi couldn't figure out why. It was just a random rabbit to him, he had no idea that it was a hybrid as well as the stupid loud fox that was outside. Yoongi wanted the rabbit taken care of and given back to his friend that was waiting on him. He didn't know how he got hurt, but he didn't care. He wanted him gone. It was hard enough hiding what he was with Jimin around, add in two more hybrids and they'd never be able to keep it a secret.

"I think he was caught in a trap," Dylan fretted over the bunny as he was cleaning his wounds. He looked outside to where the fox was on his hind legs looking in the window, "how did that fox get him out of it?"

There was a loud bark and a growl, all the hair on Yoongi's back raised up as he hissed. Jimin scampered away and hid under Dylan's bed. Loud bangs were coming from the door and Yoongi could hear the fox making an almost barking sound. Then the door was thrown open, and there on the threshold was a massive husky. He had snow and blood on his muzzle and he was growling at Dylan like he was going to eat him.

The fox got in front of him, trying to stop the dog from going any further. But the husky wasn't having it. Yoongi got in front of Dylan, his hackles raised as he hissed and swiped at the nose of the husky. It was another Alpha and based on his scent he was pissed pissed. Yoongi was much smaller and frankly no match for him, but there was no way he was going to let this mutt hurt his human. He'll be damned.

Dylan grabbed a wooden spoon and with the audacity of a white man bullshitting his way through anything, he walked over to the husky and whacked him on the nose. "I don't know why you broke into my house and are acting like a damn fool, but you will calm down sir or my attack cat will show you what's up."

Yoongi wanted to snort, because both him and this other Alpha knew that there was no way he'd win in a fight. But it must have shocked the shit out of the husky because he calmed down. He whined a bit ducking his head down in apology before he darted around the human and made his way quickly over to the bunny. 

He started licking the bunny's wound, whining and whimpering as he nosed at the bunny's head. "Well that explains the blood," Dylan mumbled. He walked over to the husky and had to step over the fox to get next to the bun that was starting to stir a bit, "he'll be okay. Is he your friend?" The husky let out a little woof, his tail wagging in excitement. He got the bunny some fluids, it was hard since the poor thing was so out of it, then he crashed into the chair.

Yoongi jumped up and sat down in Dylan's lap, he knew he looked pissed, but now he had four hybrids to deal with. Dylan has a massive fear of humans, if any of them are seen shifted, it's over for all of them. But can five hybrids stay in their animal forms long enough that he doesn't find out? "I know Floofy, but what was I supposed to do? He was hurt."

With an angry meow, Dylan chuckled a bit. "I know," he soothed as he scratched behind the kitty's ears. "But can you be nice to the pups while they are here? I'm not sure about the fox, but the husky might want to stay."

They both heard a chittering sound, meaning that Bandit was calling for them. "Come here my cuddle monster," Dylan said as he patted the arm of the chair. Jimin ran around the corner and made a beeline for the two on the chair. Which scared the shit out of the fox who cried out a loud piercing scream, which in turn made the husky jump up and growl. That caused the raccoon to growl as he climbed up Dylan's leg, making him curse a bit and Yoongi to hiss at everyone.

When the human went to bed that night, Yoongi shifted and stormed into the living room with a terrified Jimin behind him. "You need to get out of my house, now."

The fox whined and curled around the bunny more in a protective embrace. The husky shifted, he was taller than Yoongi, with messy white hair that flopped all over the place. "Look, we didn't want to come here." He glared at the fox who whined even more and tried to make himself smaller, "in fact I expressly told my Beta to stay away from the human with the hybrids. But our baby bun wasn't getting better. So when I went to hunt, Hobi brought him here."

"And your name is?"

The husky smiled a bright boxy smile, "Taehyung."

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