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"I hate this," Yoongi grumbled as he sat on the couch glaring at the three that were eating at the dining room table.

The Omega beside him giggled quietly, "but now we have so many friends."

His eyebrow raised as he looked at Jimin, "I didn't even want you in the house and I actually like you. I don't like them, so no, friends we are not."

"Don't be mean Alpha," Jimin sighed, "they seem really nice."

Yoongi stood up and walked over to the three that were going to town on everything he made to eat, "I was told that you like to stay in your animal form most of the time."

The bun coughed a bit, choking on his food. He nodded his head quickly, "being in this form makes me uncomfortable."

The Alpha cocked his head to the side, "and why is that?"

"That would be our fault," Hobi whispered. "When we found him, it was easier to run with him in our animal form. He was still a little kit."

"Not that we were much older," Tae added.

"But because of that, we missed the crucial time of when hybrids learn to shift and become one with their human side. He spent the first decade of his life as a rabbit because we were always on the run. Whether it was humans, hunters, or other prey trying to eat our little Kookie here. By the time we realized what we'd done, it was too late."

Tae snorted making Jungkook groan loudly, "it took us almost a month to convince him to shift for the first time. And he hated it."

"It was cold, of course I hated it."

Both of them rolled their eyes but they still looked at the bun all the fondness in their eyes, "after that we made it a rule. He had to spend at least one day a week as a human, that way we could teach him to speak, walk, and read. Basically anything that would make him pass for a normal human."

"It took forever," Hobi grumbled quietly.

"Yah!" Jungkook yelped making everyone else shush him and listen to see if the human woke up. "Sorry," he squeaked out before he shifted back into his bunny form and took off running to hide in his new bedding area.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jimin asked, he was always so concerned about everyone else. A trait Yoongi noticed immediately.

"He'll be fine, he gets embarrassed very easily. Don't worry about him."

Yoongi stood up, stretching his muscles making everyone else giggle. "What?" He asked with his head cocked to the side.

"You even stretch like a cat," Hobi giggled.

"Yeah well you smell like a wet dog, so I think I'm the winner here." Then he turned to look at Jimin, "come on, let's head to bed." He turned to glare at the two mutts, "be good, don't wake Dylan and be in your animal forms by the time he wakes up. Tomorrow he'll go down to get more food so you'll all be able to shower then."

Dylan was so happy, his three new friends were fitting in so nicely. Yes, Whisper and Floofy would get into it at least three times a day. But they never actually hurt each other so he just let them be. They could figure out their hierarchy on their own. He picked Cinnabun up, "it's time for therapy. Will you sit with me?"

Jungkook didn't know what therapy was or how to answer so he just went limp in the human's arms. The human sat down and placed him in his lap, he was getting lots of pets. It was strange at first, but he's really starting to like it. He'd never had anyone besides Tae and Hobi, now Dylan and even Jimin pet him all the time. Jimin loves to feed him when he's in his rabbit form, even when Jimin is in his raccoon form, he still fills Jungkook's plate up.

It's seriously the cutest thing ever and it makes Jungkook smile every time he sees Jimin running across the room with food in his tiny hands. The tv clicked on and there on the screen was another human, one he hadn't seen before. "Hi Dylan how are, is that a bunny?" The man yelled, "did you get another animal? Dylan where did you find this one?"

Dylan giggled, "actually this one was brought to me, do you want to see by who?" Once Adam nodded his head, Dylan turned to look behind him. "Whisper, Pepper come here boys!"

With a loud woof and nails tapping against the floor the two pups made their way into the living room where he and Cinnabun were. "Is that a fox? Dylan," the therapist sighed. "We've talked about this, you can't keep wild animals, they are wild."

"I know, but he brought Cinnabun to me. He was all upset about the bunny being hurt. They wouldn't leave until I fixed him up. But even then they chose to stay," he shrugged. "I'm not going to kick them out into the cold."

The Doctor snorted, "it's a fox and a husky, they are literally built for snow Dylan."

"Well it's their choice. If they want to stay, they have a home, if they want to go they can go."

"Fine, I won't argue. But I want to talk about next week if that's okay?"

The mood shifted in the room, so much that it woke Yoongi up from his nap. He padded over to Dylan, the human was trying his hardest not to cry. "I don't want to."

"I know you don't Dylan. But it'll be five years and."

"Five year anniversary of the time I killed my father and 200 people. You don't have to remind me, I think about them every single day. I can still name every person that was on that flight. I know what seats they were in, how old they were and so much more. I can never forget Doctor, trust me."

"Do you have a plan for the day?"

Dylan shrugged, "the same thing I do every year."

"We've talked about it, staying in bed and crying all day isn't a coping mechanism."

"Well I can't stay in bed all day anymore, I have pets now. But you can't stop me from crying, it's the least I can do for them."

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