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"That's frankly just rude you stupid mutt."

The husky whined, "I'm not a mutt I'll have you know, I'm a pure breed."

"Yeah yeah, so am I. In fact I'm sure most of us are. Most hybrids don't mate with other hybrids and it results in a pregnancy. So you aren't special."

Tae opened his mouth and then closed it, he wanted to snap back but he couldn't think of anything. Jungkook giggled as he squirmed on the bed, "he's got you there Tae, now can we eat, I'm starving?"

Sitting around at the table with seven humans vs seven animals was for sure a change in his routine. But it was nice, really nice. The big thing now was if they'd stay. He didn't have a home to offer them anymore, not since his burned down. Yes he could buy another one and of course he would get an insurance payout for the cabin, but to find a home that was secluded and big enough for all of them might take some time and what if they didn't want to wait?

What if they wanted to leave Dylan? He wasn't sure he could handle that. He's grown so used to having them around that honestly even though they are humans, it was almost the same. Jimin always loaded food onto everyone's plate. Joon broke things, Tae was just as loud in human form as he was in pup form. Jin was caring, doting on everyone but especially Joon. Hobi was just as happy as his fox was. Jungkook was a great eater, except now he'd eat meat and Yoongi was such a cat it wasn't even funny.

Dylan was trying his hardest to keep his emotions in check. If they got out of control everyone else would know that something was going on. And that was the last thing that Dylan wanted, but he should have known, he should have known that they were intuned with him. As soon as the weather picked up, Tae turned to look at Dylan. He got up and kneeled in front of the human who was holding his breath so he didn't let them know he was borderline hyperventilating. 

Jokes on him, they can smell the changes. Dylan smells like the land right before a lightning storm strikes the Earth. And when he's upset, there's almost this charge in electricity around him. It scared Tae at first until Yoongi explained that it was Dylan and his cry out for help. "I need you to calm down, can you do that?"

Tears started to fall as Dylan shook his head and rocked back and forth in the seat. "I-I can't, I." He closed his eyes, he couldn't get the words out. Getting them out would make them true, he didn't want to be alone again. This is the happiest he's been since his Dad died five years ago. He must have been speaking out loud because Tae cooed before pulling Dylan onto his lap and sitting down in the chair.

"Baby, what in the world makes you think that you are going to be alone? You couldn't get rid of us if you tried. It's why we stayed in our animal forms for so long, we wanted to stay with you and we were afraid that if you knew what we were that you wouldn't want us anymore."

Dylan sniffled, it makes sense. He's openly talked about his fear of other humans around them. "I'm not sure I can go back to how it was before you guys," he sniffled. He looked at all of them with tears all over his face. "I'm not ready for other humans, but you guys are my pets." He blushed, slapping a hand over his mouth and squeaking out a sorry.

Tae laughed, "it's okay, I like being your pup." He reached down and placed Dylan's hand on the top of his head, "I'm not sure about all of them but I love when you pet me and I'll even love it when I'm not in my animal form."

"Really? I can pet your cute ears even when you are like this?"

"As much as you want."

"I love it when you pet me so feel free to pet me anytime," Jungkook exclaimed around a mouth full of food.

"Me too," Jimin said a little shyer.

Yoongi smiled and kissed the side of Jimin's head and then Jungkook's hand, "you know I'm always okay with you touching me Dylan."

"Same here," Hobi said from the other side of the room as he was loading more food on his plate.

There were only two left, "I don't mind it, sugar gliders aren't exactly the most cuddly of animals, but I don't mind."

Joon blushed, hiding in Jin's neck again, "I'm the same, owls love attention from people they trust and I trust you guys."

It was a bit awkward after all of the confessions, but Dylan felt lighter, lighter than he had in years. He was hopeful, he wanted this, them. He didn't know what they wanted with him, cuz like Jimin made him cum and he's been kissed by more than one of them. But like do they want more than that, and how many of them do?

He was lost in his head when he felt Tae's lips on his. "What's going on in your head?" The hybrid whispered when he pulled out of the kiss.

Dylan bit his lower lip, it was embarrassing. Yoongi snorted, "Baby you know that we can smell you right? So like we know that you are horny, tell Tae whatever it is that you want to say."

"You can smell my arousal?" The human squeaked.

"We can," Tae whispered against his lips before kissing him again. He took Dylan's breath away, making the human groan, "so are you going to tell me what had you so lost in thought?"

"More than one of you have kissed me," he blurted out.

"We have, does that bother you?" Dylan shook his head no quickly, "then what's the issue?"

With another blush brushing across his cheeks, "I've never even dated before let alone dated multiple people."

Tae grinned, "well then you are in the same boat as us, I've only ever been with Hobi." He kissed the human again, softly pressing their lips together multiple times until Dylan giggled, "we can learn together."

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