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After getting an EEG and MRI. Amy was feeling still very exhausted. She then had to wait for the results.

In her room, Amy has a bit of a pillow collection. Of all different shapes and sizes and characters. She curled up next to her pink and blue one and started scrolling down news articles.

There was not much news. She then went on you tube and started watching her favourite youtuber of a woman called "Isabelle tells all things science." She watched one about plant cells, but she couldn't pay much attention.

She had started overthinking things and questioning things. She questioned whether she was going to some sort of timeline when having that seizure because collapsing was all that she remembered before having that seizure. She also questioned who those particular people were when she went into that house. Were Kara and Daniel living in an alternate timeline?

Then, Amy had the best thought she could think of. She decided it would be a good idea to write down her thoughts and feelings. She opened her closet and picked out a spare notebook and grabbed a pen on her desk.

"I am so confused about everything that has happened. It seems like all the time I am having seizures and I now feel a little silly thinking about all of this. I do not know why I allow myself to keep thinking of Alexa. I still really miss Alexa and it was a great feeling that I managed to meet her. Yeah, you heard me... I may sound a little crazy and my medical team think I am crazy, but I really think I met Alexa again in an alternate timeline. Even after she died. I really hope I can use this journal to express my thoughts on all of this. I hope to meet Alexa again. I really do. Is Alexa sending me through an alternate timeline. Maybe I am going into a world after death and Alexa is there to tell me about things. I really need to know how to reach Alexa again and be with her."

Amy then went to sleep. She was exhausted after the day and a nap was probably the best decision.

While napping she had a peculiar dream about Alexa. It was a dream that was almost like an inner world where Alexa walked to her bed and there were swirling colours all around that amazed Amy.

Suddenly she saw a strange cat appear. The cat was big and was a dark black colour. It meowed in a loud angry way. Alexa began barking and crying.

Amy heart started beating very fast as she was lying in bed and was shaking. The cat then smirked and turned to Amy and looked into her eyes.

Alexa and AmyWhere stories live. Discover now