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Alexa and Kathie were away from the devil and were trying to think of ways to hide from the devil. They were amazed that the devil couldn't find them anymore.

Kathie offered to ask Alexa if she could speak to Amy's parents. She thought maybe this time her parents would be able to understand what is going on and she thought maybe she had to at least try. Alexa said it would be good idea to look for Amy's parents, so they then decided to try look.

Unfortunately, when looking around Kathie could not find Amy's parents anywhere. They were very concerned about where Amy is.

Alexa then realized due to her magical powers she could give Amy a gun through magical powers if Amy was asleep.

In the night when Amy fell asleep. Amy had a dream of Alexa. Amy had a dream of the day Alexa and Kathie spent trying to look for Amy's parents. She heard Alexa softly speak to her. "Amy are you okay?"

"No, I don't think I can" cried Amy "But it's nice to hear your voice" Amy felt a sense of calmness and hope after letting Alexa know that Amy enjoys hearing Alexa's voice.

Amy then heard a growl from the devil and noticed there was a gun in Amy's hand. Amy quickly knew that she had to shoot the devil, so she shot him in multiple areas of his stomach. Amy wished the devil would die also from these injuries but sadly the devil did not die from this, but he was very shocked and angry.

Amy leapt out of the hole that was in the devil's stomach and a magical bridge appeared and Amy walked over it. 

Alexa and AmyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora