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Amy waited for her cousin to come to pick her up. And finally, her cousin arrived. "Amy! I'm here." Kathie said.

Amy went up to Kathie and greeted her. "Hi!"

"If you come in the car with me, we can get things you need like clothes and a toothbrush and etc."

Amy felt like groaning. Again, she had to get to go through the process of buying all those things. Once Amy and Kathie got to the store by car. Kathie was talking the whole time in the car about all these superficial things about their family and her friends and a bunch of different things she wishes to achieve and has achieved. "This is so annoying" Amy thought in her head as she rolled her eyes and grit her teeth.

Amy then felt a sharp pain in her temple. "Ow!!!!!" Amy screamed. Kathie was still rambling and then paused with surprise and apprehension. "What's wrong?" Kathy asked with worry.

Amy's eyes went wide suddenly and then the earth started shaking and she saw dust swirling around and lighting bolts. Amy then began convulsing and went into a seizure where she was no longer conscious. 

Alexa and AmyWhere stories live. Discover now