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Amy sat on the train eating a sandwich she put together on the train. It was a ham and cheese sandwich, but she didn't have a stove or oven since she is homeless, so she had to stick to making a sandwich. She drank some water after and then an iced coffee.

Amy felt very energetic after having the iced coffee but inside her mind she was very anxious.

Amy was on the bus for 1 hour and she felt like the ride felt forever. She got out of the bus, and it was an ordeal for her as she had to take all her shopping bags. She had a thought about wanting to buy a suitcase. Amy has been to Johnstone beach many times and knows there are some shops near the bus stop she got off at.

Amy walked to the shopping plaza while carrying her shopping bags and bought a cool floral suitcase. She put her shopping in the suitcase and that made Amy feel relieved.

Amy then walked down to the beach. She felt like punching a wall because she realized that she could not drag her suitcase along the sand. So she carried it which felt super uncomfortable.

Amy then reached the cave. And sat down. Amy knew she should have gone straight to the cave and not go the store to buy a suitcase because Alexa had warned Amy she was supposed to hide from the cats and Poppy.

Amy was very scared while being in the cave. She started hearing voices and felt very fearful that she was hearing so many voices.

She then decided she would try take a nap. She was awake for hours before she drifted off into sleep. A few hours later she then woke up. She noticed a dark figure appearing before her and it made her feel very intimidated. The figure spoke suddenly. "Hello."

"Hi?" Amy said in a confused tone.

"I have come here to warn you about something. There is going to be a war that is coming. It is the war that is created by the devil. So, you really need to prepare for this."

"That is absolutely terrible" Amy said in a concerned tone. "I don't know what to do and I feel like I am going to have a panic attack."

"Hello?" Amy whispered. Then Amy sighed moments after as the voice she heard did not continue.

Amy was now full of anxiety. She sat in the cave feeling very apprehensive until it was late at night where she fell asleep.

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