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In the car ride everything was dark, and it was raining very heavily.

Amy could easily hear voices about. She heard voices such as "do not go to the doctor" and "please turn back." And Amy really did want to turn back.

It was a long trip to the doctors and Amy's parents were very worried. They were chatting in the car about Amy's state and Amy felt very angry about this but did not say anything.

Amy thought about whether she should just jump out of the car and quickly run away and hide. There were lots of forest trees around so it was something she had thought she could easily do.

Suddenly there was a girl staring at the car and Amy's mum screamed as she almost crashed into the girl. But then the girl disappeared, and Amy's mother was extremely bewildered as to why the girl had vanished.

"Was that my imagination?" Amy's mum said while shaking.

Amy's dad did not know what Amy's mum was talking about at all and did not know why she had stopped.

"Eloise, I have no idea what you are talking about?"

Amy's mum sighed and then rolled her eyes and kept on driving.

In that timeframe Amy was so angry at how she did not try to escape. She felt angry as to why she was just sitting there.

Amy's mum kept on driving and finally they arrived to see the psychiatrist.

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