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Kathie and Alexa were now trying to find Amy. Alexa told Kathie all about the devil and Poppy and how Amy would probably be stuck in hell. Alexa knows that there are shadow pathways that lead into hell. Alexa and Kathie tried looking everywhere and the place that tried looking for Amy everywhere the most were different gloomy alleyways. The devil tricks people into going to hell when they see a mysterious door in alleyway. For some strange reason though, Alexa and Kathie were not able to find the door that leads to hell. But eventually they found a door. Kathie was very anxious to go in the door and she wondered again whether she was going crazy.

Then, Alexa and Amy were now in hell. In hell it was very hot. Alexa tried to yell "Where are you, Amy? Are you okay, Amy?" She shouted out these questions to Amy. Alexa feared the worst for Amy.

Alexa has the power to be able to give people magical powers. So, she gave Alexa some powers and Alexa was now able to use the powers to try find Amy and hopefully beat the devil. Alexa has tried multiple times to find ways to beat the devil with her powers. Alexa has never given powers to someone before, so Kathie was the first person she gave powers too.

Alexa and Kathie realized they were starving. There were still the strange creatures around and Alexa was going to shoot the creatures so she could eat the creature's meat. Alexa was worried that the devil was going was going to explode with rage and appear but luckily Alexa and Kathie never heard the devil when they arrived at hell.

Once the creatures were Alexa and Kathie were luckily able to cook the meat above a fire. When they finished eating, they heard a menacing laugh after every 7 seconds. Alexa and Amy felt like their life was going to be over any minute. They realized that it could be the devil and suddenly the devil appeared in front of them with Amy in his arms.

The devil laughed. "Look who I have your stupid retards."

Amy looked very anxious in the arms of the devil and really wished the devil would put her down and she was getting heaps of sensory issues.

Alexa warned the devil that he should put Amy down or else she would shoot him. The devil refused though, and Alexa shot him.

The devil was in extreme pain from being shot and then put Amy down, but he was not killed. Alexa gave more powers to Kathie and the same number of powers to Amy. She gave them invisible powers as she had now attained them, and this was to hide from the devil.

Suddenly the devil pulled out a bow and arrow, but he was confused and had a confused look on his face because he did not know where his enemies were. Kathie, Amy, and Alexa started running. They ran to the door that leads to earth and they knew this was the best place for them to hide. 

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