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Amy panicked in an extreme intensity. She couldn't see Poppy anywhere and she felt relieved that she did not see Poppy anywhere. She put her hands in her pocket to check if her phone was there and luckily it was. She began walking through the forest and tried to scan the environment to see if Poppy was anywhere. She had a thought that she should probably call her Mum. Her Mum was not home due to her going out for dinner with Amy's Dad.

Amy wondered why Poppy attacked her and she found the whole situation very traumatic. She had a feeling that this is something that has something to do with her episodes. Once Amy reached the other side of the forest, she called her Mum. And miraculously her Mum answered her call. "Mum please help me. I was at the art club and Poppy attacked me!!!" Amy cried

"Are you serious? That can't be possible?"

"No really she did. Please pick me up. I rolled my ankle when tripping over a branch."

"Sure I can pick you up. I will be straight there. Call me again if you see Poppy."

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