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Amy was now away from the devil. As she crossed the bridge there were cats and dogs all around and they greeted Amy. "Where am I?" Amy said with surprise. "Oh my god, these cats are so cute!!!"

Alexa and Kathie appeared, and they said hello to Amy. "I am so glad you are here." Kathie said. "I just got told by Alexa that Poppy has lost her powers. This is because the cats and dogs have been able to stop the war from happening due to the goddess from heaven being able to help."

"The goddess? I did not know there was a goddess."

Alexa interrupted. "Yeah! there is a goddess. The goddess was dead, but she came to us while you were gone and told us that the devil was dead because of you."

"Yeah, I know the devil is dead. He is dead because I managed to kill him."

The goddess then suddenly appeared. "Hi everyone!"

"Oh my god. I am so happy to see you" Amy said. "How are you"

"I'm good. I just wanted to let you all know that due to Amy killing the devil with a gun I can stop the war with my powers. I was in hell if you all know but thanks to Amy I am able to get out of hell. The goddess smiled.

Everyone was amazed at Amy telling them all this.

The cats and dogs started meowing and barking with joy and the goddess gifted through her powers a feast. Everyone was now eating food.

But suddenly Amy saw her parents walk up to them.

Amy felt confused at this as she saw them.

"Hi Amy...I am really sorry about everything that happened when I tried to send you to the hospital and kick you out of the house."

"That's okay" Amy smiled. And her parents hugged her.

"I just got a call from your doctor that said everything in your brain scan seems like things are fine and it seems like the way that you behaved and had symptoms are due to something bad happening in person." Amy's mum spoke.

Amy noticed her dad had his hands tied behind his back and he then revealed in a cage that there was a tabby cat.

"Oh wow. I am so glad you have a cat. This is wonderful!" Amy said and she held the cat in her arms.

"We decided to give you a pet cat to say we are sorry. I know due to these weird events Alexa is alive, and she could be a good pet to you, but we decided to gift you a cat. What do you want to call her?"

Amy thought deeply and smiled "I'll call her Hazel."

Everyone cheered suddenly.

Amy hoped everything would stay normal and as weeks passed by everything did. The devil was killed and he was not alive anymore.

Amy celebrated every day. But inside she wondered where Poppy was.

Was she going to attack even though she lost her powers?

Amy felt grateful though that the devil wasn't around though.

Amy decided to ask Alexa what could have happened to Poppy. Alexa laughed everything off and tried to make Amy feel calm. "Please do not worry, Amy. Everything is okay now. I love you so much and I do not want you to worry."

"I shouldn't worry too." Amy sighed. "Maybe tomorrow we can play in the beach together."

"Sounds good!" Alexa agreed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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