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Amy was then transported back into the real world where she was crowded around by a bunch of people.

"Hey you!" A strange girl yelled with spit.

The girl pushed Amy to the ground as Amy tried to get up.

"Shut up you bitch. Why were you yelling like that and you even giggling too."

"I'm sorry... I um-" Amy clutched her head and grimaced.

"Forget it" The girl said.

"Is everyone here to punch me?" Amy asked.

One of the people spoke. "This girl is so insane. But what is she doing here. I think she should be in a worse place than this hell hole."

"It's a fucking psych hole. A looney bin." Another person spoke. "I can't believe such a stupid girl is in here."

A strange figure suddenly appeared. A strange woman wearing black glasses and short hair who was wearing a nurses uniform. "Everyone back away from the girl"

It was one of the nurses.

Everyone then in unison chuckled a little while looking confused and then left.

The girl that was very mean to Amy did just the same.

Amy felt so angry at the bullies. And was ready to have a panic attack.

"Amy, can you come with me to the doctor's office?"

Amy stood up and walked with the nurse to the office.

As the door opened the doctor greeted Amy as she walked in.

"Now... I don't think you should be here" The doctor said. "I think you are a very nice young girl, and you should go to a homeless shelter. I think your parents are very mean to you. I can tell by their attitude."

Amy was surprised. "Oh really?"

"Yes... So, I am afraid I am going to have to discharge you from this hospital."

The doctor then handed her a note to go to a popular homeless shelter in the city she lives in. He also wrote down a note on paper of an appointment Amy must go to. A neurologist who must see her for her seizures that the doctor was still concerned about.

"I think you should avoid your parents. I have spoken to them and told them not to talk to you again..."

"Thank you for that." Amy said. And she walked out of the room as the appointment had ended.  

Alexa and AmyWhere stories live. Discover now