My Guardian Angel

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Angel's Voice Actress: Jessie J

Mystica: Mariah Carey


It was a beautiful morning in Jurassic World, the sun is shining, the Dimorphodons are squawking, and the tourists were enjoying their vacation in Jurassic World. The ferry is seen at the dock as it lowers the gang plank. New tourists were going out from the ferry and towards the park. Angel was seen walking out from the ferry and towards the park, she walks elegantly like if she was a runway model. As she enters the park, all the male teens looked at her in wonder and shock as she walks pass them. A male waiter was distracted at her that he didn't know where he was going and accidentally hits a lamppost, causing him to spill the drinks that her was carrying. Angel ignores them as she focuses on finding Val, she looked at Morphy's Iphone disguise.

"Morphy, you know what to do." She whispers as she puts him in her purse. Few seconds later, a fly came out from it and zooms away to the sky, avoiding cameras before morphing into a bird. Angel continues walking towards the Visitor Center, she enters it, and saw many people walking by and a hologram of a T-Rex is shown. Angel walks towards the counter and looks at the lady, "Excuse me?" Angel spoked.

The lady looks up at her and asked. "Yes? How can I help you?"

"Do you know where Valentina Rosalina Grady live? I want to interview her for a school project." Angel lied.

The lady blinks at Angel before saying politely. "I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to tell the location for interviewers."

Angel made a fake and innocent smile before her eyes started to glow like fire and stared at the woman's eyes. The woman's eyes widen and was in a hypnotic trance. Angel then smiles innocently. "Now, let's try again, shall we? Where does Valentina Rosalina Grady live?"

The lady answered in a hypnotic voice. "She lives near the jungle at a lake. Go straight ahead and turn left, you will find a bungalow where Valentina live."

Angel smiles again before lifting her hand. "Thanks, now, when I snap my fingers, you'll return to normal, and you will forget we had this conversation." She said before she snaps her fingers and walked away while the woman snaps out from the hypnotic spell and shakes her head a bit and looks around in confusion. Angel continues walking towards the entrance. She walks towards the direction where Val's house live. Angel looks around for any cameras hidden in the trees.

"I hope Mystica hacked in their system." Angel thought.

Then she felt a wave of energy coming through the trees. Angel smiles as she notices some sparks coming from the trees. Mystica did her job, and making Angel's mission easier. Angel continues walking towards the location of Val's bungalow, she saw Morphy's bird form as he guides her a location. Angel caught a glimpse at Val's home as Morphy flies towards it. Smirking slightly, Angel walked towards the direction and saw the bungalow, she was about to go over to the door when she heard a growl. Turning to her left, she saw a Inostrancevia Alexandri, wearing a collar that has the name Ingrid on it, growling at her, telling her to leave.

But Angel simply smiles at her before her eyes started glowing again as she gently strokes Ingrid's head, causing her to freeze, and looks at Angel with wide eyes. Angel continuous smiling at her and gently said. "I am a friend."

Ingrid rumbles at her gently before rubbing her head on Angel's hand happily. Angel smiles again as she pats Ingrid's head before looking at the bungalow. She was about to knock at the door when she saw a Phoenix perched on a nearby tree, looking at her curiously. Angel raised a brow at her before smiling at her. The Phoenix tilts her head before flying towards another direction. Curious, Angel follows the Phoenix towards the jungle, followed by Ingrid. They reach to a clearing and saw Val and tree cute little creatures. Angel smiles as Morphy turn himself into a fly and hides on Angel's purse, Angel walks towards Val, playing with little creatures near a river. Angel smiles and walks over to Val. Val stops playing when she saw Angel coming towards her, the little creatures hide behind Val as Angel came in front of Val. Val looks up at her and Angel looks down at her with a smile. Angel kneels at Val's height and spoke gently in her English accent.

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