Long Lost Hope Part 3

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Long Lost Hope part 3

It was morning in Nevada, Silas and his men were outside of their base with the femme standing between them. She has no emotions in her optics as she gazes blankly at the forest before her. Silas was proud at his work, the femme maybe short size for a Cybertronian mech or femme, but she has high levels of energy and power that can destroy them instantly. Silas walks over to the femme and clears his throat, causing the femme looks down at him with no expression on her faceplate.

"Alright. Let's start a simple target practice." Silas smirks as he snaps his fingers. Multiple targets appeared from the ground. The targets almost resembled the Autobots as Silas points at the targets.

"Destroy the targets!" He ordered.

The femme followed the order and transforms one of her arms into a blaster and fired multiple shot at the targets, hitting them in the chest or head. Silas smirks at her as she finishes off the last target, she lowered her blaster as it smokes a bit. "Very good, now. Let's see if you can do well in hand to hand combat." Silas said as he nodded at a scientist. The scientist pressed a remote as it beeps a red light, the femme turns her helm towards a cave and heard thundering footsteps, the femme stared blankly as robotic giant that almost resembles to Cybertrinian stood in front of her. Their body parts look copper and their heads are cylinders, they're slightly muscular and have blasters and shock batons. The femme stared at them blankly before using her free servo to summon a weapon, yellow sparks appeared, and a katana appeared in a flash. The femme clutched the weapon tightly before dashing towards the robot targets in a flash. The targets fired at her, she blocked every attack with her katana and fired her blaster at each of the targets' heads. One by one, each targets' heads blew up, she dashed towards them and slashed them in half.

She jumps high in the air and blocks the targets' attacks and fires her blaster at them. When she landed, one remained standing, and it was bigger than the rest. The femme stared at it blankly and deactivates her blaster. She readied herself by doing a ko gasumi stance. The two beings stood for a few moments before they charge, they strike their weapons, but the femme dodged the shock baton and slashed her katana at the target. When she landed, the target stood there, still like a statue, and in a few seconds the head of the target fell off and her body collapsed. The femme turns around and stared at her 'creator' who was clapping his hands with a smirk on his face.

"Excellent job." He said with pride and power. "Now, let us begin your next task, which is to scan this."

Silas snaps his fingers and some MECH soldiers bring a truck that has a small fighter jet that is used in ambush attack. It was lean and elegant looking, making the perfect vehicle mode for the femme. Silas looks at the femme nodded, the femme stared at the jet blankly before her optics started to flicker and a beam of blue light scanned the jet, getting the information and uses of it. Once she finished scanning, the femme steps back before jumping in the air as she transforms into the jet with blue color scheme and yellow lining. She zooms around the base before returning-back and transforms into her bot mode. Silas's smirk grew even more as he looked at her with pride.

"Very good." Silas said. "In a few hours, you will be assigned a mission to capture and retrieve us a live sample, but if you're able to kill one, bring it as well." He added. "Let's go."

The femme followed Silas back to base with the others, the femme stops her track when she notices one of the targets was still online and was trying to stand up to fight, but the femme steps on it and activates her blaster before she fires the blast on its head, killing instantly. She then walks away to follow Silas to the base, leaving the destroyed targets on the ground.


Somewhere in Nevada forest, a blue and gold private jet flew above the trees in the afternoon. The jet was slimmer and more durable for a reason. Inside the jet was Angel. Angel was reading an article about some parts of forest having been left with giant tracks, and now one, not even the forest rangers, know why. Angel suspects it was Silas and his men, but it was something else, something bigger. The jet landed on a clearing and opened its door for Angel to get out. Once she did, the jet transformed into Mystica, Angel took out a scanner and showed her what area they should go.

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