Dimensional Traveling I

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Voice Actors and Actress:

Zaros Scorpio: Richard Armitage who voiced Trevor Belmont Castlevania (TV series)
Lusha Scorpio: Tara Strong who voiced Harley Quinn from Injustice 2
Friday Scorpio: Benjamin Flores Jr.


Jack Darby or better yet Blackstone was riding his silver motorcycle ninja 1000 to Sunny High. With him was Rain, holding on to his back as he drives while Tempest follows them with her jeep. Jack and Rain have gotten used to their new school. Jack has been practicing with Tempest, he learned very well in playing the guitar and the piano. She even showed him and Rain around the school, so they won't get lost and know their way around. As well as knowing their teachers. June posing as Juliet Blackstone got accustomed to her new working area. Befriending staff and getting to know her new life here in Sunny City. As June was busy with her work, Jack decided to get a job of his own along with Rain. But instead of working at some burger joint, Jack helps workers at a pet shop since he has the ability to talk with animals. Jack made a suitable candidate there, understanding animals and helping the owners how to take care of them. Rain also got a job as swimming instructor at Sunny City's community swimming pool. Tempest also has a job, working at a music store, selling, and fixing instruments. When they have nothing else to do, they visit their friends at Isola Della Vita, hang out, get to know each other, and train. Yes, training. Jack has been training his combat skills with Leonidas and magic skills from Tempest. It was brutal and tough, but Jack was able to pull through to their training. Leonidas appears to be a master of combat as he teaches Jack many forms of fighting. Tempest, on the other hand, teaches him dark magic since he is part of an alien race that consists of dark magic, and he did learn some magical skills from Aggie and Zosia.

All in all, it was peaceful for them to live in such a great city.

Jack parks his motorcycle at the school's parking lot as he and Rain get off while removing their helmets. Tempest parks close by and gets off her jeep, as she and the others went to school. They headed to class before the bell rang. Their first class was an acting class, being taught by a hippy teacher named Eugene Erwin Insanius. He's quite an odd and strange man, often does weird things, such as drinking out of a coconut in class, thinking that coconut milk gives him "visions" and inspiration. And he even climbs into his classroom through the window or the vent. However, even if he's a strange teacher, all of the students appear to like him and enjoy his teaching. In his improv class, there were only seats, no desk, as they only pay attention to his tips.

"Okay, as you may know, there is going to the annual music festival next month. For your semester, I want you all to perform in a duet or solo with amazing talent and craftsmanship." Insanius said to them with dramatic hand gestures. Jack and Rain were sitting on the front seat with Tempest and Meygana from behind.

"What's the annual music festival about?" Jack asked the two girls from behind.

"It's a celebration of the discovery of Sunny City." Tempest explains to them blankly. "History shows that a group of musicians played music to attract settlers from far and wide as they all pitched in to make Sunny City."

"And rumor has it that these settlers are traveling magicians and gypsies." Meygana added quietly with a wink.

Both Jack and Rain chuckle at her before they turn back to their teacher. So far, they learn that in duets, they have to be in perfect sync by getting to know each other more. Jack and Rain continue studying at Sunny High with Tempest and Meygana. There were no problems around the school since everyone got to know each other very well. Or because the students wouldn't dare mess with them because they learn that Jack is Tempest's 'cousin' and no one dares mess with Tempest.

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