The Truth

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"VAL AND ANTONY ARE WHAT?!" Quinn, Aggie, Damien, and Gem yelled out inside the base, luckily it was soundproof, so there won't be an avalanche. 

Val was staring at Angel with wide and shocked eyes, she was an alien! She thought she had these powers because of her mother's serum, Project Alpha, but she was an alien. Does her daddy used to know about this? Carl maybe?! Val was trying to process all of this as well as everyone else, until Angel clears her throat, and everyone looks at her.

Angel looked at them and said, "I know all of you are processing this, but yes. Val and Antony are both royal Galatrias. Their great-great grandmother Aretha was the second born of the royal family." She looks at Antony. "Antony, you were talking when you were just five years old, right? There's a reason for that." She said and Antony listened. "Your mother gave you a special serum called Project Beta, this serum gave you advanced fighting skills and combat. Alder, the crazy scientist, was searching for a perfect specimen. You were the one that he wanted to experiment on." She walks over to the computer and looks at the screen. "Your mother was heartbroken, she feared that you were being tortured, she called a friend to save you."

"The mysterious alien," Antony whispers out the alien who saved his life.

Angel nodded. "Yes, he brought you back to your mother safely, but she feared that you would be targeted by alien bounty hunters. So, the best way to keep you safe is for you to be raised by Solomon."

"Wait a minute." Lazro cuts her off. "Are you telling us that Antony's mother knows Captain Solomon?"

Angel looks at the Galaxy Knight and says. "Yes. Solomon and Alma were good friends and if she needed any help, she'd contact Solomon."

Antony shook his head in shock. So, Solomon knows his family? All these years of not knowing his past, Solomon knew this all along, why didn't he tell him this? "Why didn't Captain Solomon tell me my past?" Antony mutters quietly.

Angel heard him and turned to him with an answer. "Your mother told him not to tell you about your past." Antony's eyes widen by the news and looks at her in shock. "She wanted you safe, and the only way is that you were trained by Solomon, so you can be strong to defend yourself."

Antony lowered his head and processed everything. His mother did this, so he can be safe? She did this out of love? "She did this out of love?"

Angel nodded, "Yes. It pains her that she can't see you." She said. "She wanted to visit you and help you remember her and your father. Heck, she wanted to bring Val to show you to her, but it wasn't safe, and she knows it." She looks at her cousin and added, "She loved you with all her heart and she wish that one day she will see you again."

Antony lowered his head, he could feel tears coming out from his eyes, but he did not shed a tear. Lazro placed a hand on his friend's shoulder before looking at Angel. "You said Aretha was their great-great grandmother, correct?" Angel nodded as Lazro continued. "But Aretha disappeared with her kin nine hundred years ago, how can she be their great-great grandmother? She could've been dead by now and have a child."

Angel couldn't help but make a small smile on her face as she looked at Lazro, "Because Galatria doesn't age like we do."

Everyone looks at her in confusion and disbelief, not understanding what she was saying. Angel turns towards Celestia and said. "C, come here little dragon." Angel spoke gently. Celestia chirps as she went over to and jumps into Angel's arms. Angel began her explanation. "Galatrias are like dragons, they barely age and stopped on the certain age for a while until it's their time to die." She puts Celestia down as she runs towards Val, who picks her up.

"Wait a minute, are you telling us the Galatrias are immortal?!" Gem almost exclaims.

Angel nodded. "Sort of, but they die when their time is up. Val and Antony's great-great grandmother barely age, stayed young and beautiful, until she fell in love with a human male and gave her a child, a daughter with red hair as rubies and eyes pure as sapphires. Her daughter grew up with her mother when the father was killed by a thug when he was coming home. Aretha's daughter grew up and became a beautiful maiden. And few years later-"

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