Wolf's Journey II

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So, two or three years ago, I asked a friend known as Russetstar (Deviantart)/DarkRose66 (Fanfiction) to use her Predacon and Dinobot characters. And her Oc Cybertronian species called Dracons. They're Cybertronian with draconic features and they are descendants of the Predacons.

Link: https://www.deviantart.com/russetstar/gallery?q=dracon

Those Dracons are:









They will appear soon. And here's some info that you need to know:

'Animal Talking'

'Animal Thoughts'

"Human Talking"

"Human Thoughts"

Song inspired by Brother Bear called the Great Spirits by Tina Turner.


Running through the forest was Jack in his wolf form. He was following the direction towards the mountain. The sun rises from the horizon as Jack continues his journey in finding his true self. And he's lucky that he wasn't alone. Kuroi, the raven, was flying above him. Helping him on his journey. Jack appreciates his new friend. The raven became a loyal companion for Jack, supporting him on his journey. Jack jumped over a fallen log and sprinted out of the forest to a clearing as he saw a wild herd of elks running by. Jack felt his blood pumping as he enjoyed the freedom that he had. But first, he has to focus upon the task. Jack enters the forest treelined while Kuroi soars above and lands on a tree branch. Jack remembers from Achak that he has to find the animals that will guide him on his journey. The first one is the eagle, for it is the guide and teacher. Jack uses his nose to sniff the air, in search of the scent of an eagle.

'How hard is it to find an eagle?' Jack mumbles out, looking through the sky and sees Kuroi flying by and lands on a branch of a nearby tree. "Did you see an eagle up there?"

Kuroi shook his head at Jack, indicating that he didn't see an eagle. Jack sighs a bit, finding an eagle won't be easy, it was the first animal he needed to find. Suddenly, his ears perked when he heard a Canadian voice from a distance. Turning to a curtain direction, he saw two mooses

'What's he getting all worked up about, eh?' Asked a slender brown moose that has large dark brown mane and big antlers.

Beside him was another moose that had gold fur, thin brown mane, and short antlers. The second moose shrugged and said. 'Gee, I don't know. Maybe the gulls pooped on him, eh?'

They both laughed, finding the joke funny. But the first moose saw Jack looking at their direction and was soon in panic mode.

'Oh, gee, I think he's looking over here.' He said to the second moose in fear. Jack raised a brow at them as the two moose tried to escape. 'Let's beat it!'

The two mooses tried to run but they ended up running at different sides from behind the log. Kuroi lands on a rock that was beside Jack as the two watched in both amusement and confusion at the two mooses, who ended up getting their antlers stuck together.

'Oh, thank you very much.' The first moose said in annoyance.

'Okay, just stay still, eh.' The second moose said as they struggled to break free.

The Little Girl and the PredaconsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora