Final Battle

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Celestia was in her human form, sitting at the corner of the desk of Mercury, she ignored everyone yelling as they searched for Val's location. Celestia was hugging Val's scarf that was left behind, she was so worried. She couldn't stop thinking of her sister being abducted by those Monstrums. Who knows what Thanatos is going to wish for? If she was there, she would wish to save Val from their clutches. And that she should never suffer like that ever again. Her Uncle Owen came in after hearing that Val was kidnapped by the Monstrum and was all worried, fearing that they would use her as a weapon just like Renaldo Mortem did.

"Do you know where they will go?" Owen asked Foxtrot, hoping that she might have the answer.

"Honestly, I am not sure where they will go to get their wish." Foxtrot said as she looked at the map on the screen. "We can't pinpoint their location nor where they went. Their technology is mixed with magic that we have yet to know of."

"Did you at least try to track her signal from her phone?" Archie suggested.

"We tried, Owen, but her signal is blocked due to the Monstrum's signal blockers." Nightscar saw with a growl. "We still aren't sure in which location the ship is going, only Thanatos controls that ship."

Damien groans in fear, "This is bad! What wish does that mad alien want!"

"To release his master."

"AH!" Damien screamed as jumps away when a beautiful female with golden hair, tied to a bun, and amethyst eyes came in. She speaks in an Eastern European accent. "...Who are you?"

"Lady Avira!" Both Rain and Soren both said in surprise. "You're awake!" Rain added to the shock.

"Lady who?" Dark asked in confusion.

"Lady Avira, she's one of the council members, she knows everything about the Monstrums and our history." Rain explained to everyone.

"You mentioned his master...who is the 'master'? Isn't Thanatos the big honcho of everything and doesn't take shit from anyone?" Dark questions Avira.

"...I am not sure what those words mean, but to answer your question, Thanatos is a follower for a bigger threat... Malumore."

The rogue Monstrums and the Galatrias gasped in shock, the others also knew about Malumore since Xander told them about their gods. "Malumore? The God of Darkness and Power? What does Thanatos want from him?" Meygana asked.

"He is going to free him." Avira answered them seriously. "He wants to free his master from the imprisonment by his sister, our Goddess Crystalia. He wants his master to rule the entire galaxy as his own, making the Monstrum the only dominate species to turn everyone into slaves."

"Slaves?!" Megatron growled, "I will not be a slave to his control again!"

"And that is why we must go to Laas." Avira answered them.

"Laas? Our home planet?" Soren asked her.

"I thought your planet was destroyed after the Monstrum took over?" Damien questioned, remembering some stories that he heard from where he grew up.

"Not really, Laas is a living planet, when the people were taken, it disappeared before it could get destroyed. It is hidden within the cold space." Avira explains to everyone.

"But why go there?" Arcee asked her, "Why not go now?"

"Laas is a bridge to the Gate of Beginning. It is the only way to enter the celestial world, and only then can Thanatos come to make his wish." Avira explained to them.

"Then we must go find your home planet." Predaking said to Avira. "How can we find it?

Avira shook her head. "That may be a problem, we lost our connection to Laas after we were placed in the Omegas. Only the royal blood can find it."

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