Victory Party

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Songs inspired:

-The Other Side by Jason Derulo, Keke Palmer, Max Schneider, Kurt Schneider

-If I Can't Have You by Shawn Mendes

-Shut Up and Dance by WALK IN THE MOON

Anyways, enjoy the story.


After the war with the Monstrums, they all headed back to their planets, but the Cybertornians stayed at the Isola Della Vita to discuss their departure. Xander returns to Earth, leaving Avira in charge as he and the others must finish one last thing and that is their school field trip. They were lucky that their teachers didn't know they were gone nor finding out that Coach Shaw was gone. Thanks to Meygana and her sister, they made doppelgangers that took their place and made everyone believe that they hadn't left at all. After they finish their stay and get both Miko and Raf to their dream schools, the Cybertronians and Xander shall return back to their planets and restore everything that the Monstrums have taken from them. The Predacons assisted in reloading their Energon supplies for their travel since they have many to spare. Nemesis agrees to transport them, but he must return to Tempest for he is her servant.

"Thanks for giving us a hand with the energons." Bulkhead thanked Nightcore, both of them carrying cubes of Energons to Nemesis.

"Consider this a parting gift for you all have done to save Val." Nightcore said, placing the cubes in storage.

"By the's Val doing?" Bulkhead asked, walking out from the Nemesis to see the others loading up some equipment that Diamond Silk, Foxtrot, and Sage generously offer to them. "I mean, she has no powers anymore, how's she holding up?"

"She's doing fine, she's at the island with her friends, recovering from the battle. In fact, she's getting used to not having powers anymore." Nightcore answered.

"That's good to hear." Bulkhead said, walking over to the others, the Terror Twins aren't there since they have somewhere else to be. "I want to thank her and Celestia for wishing for our planet's restoration."

"We all do, Bulkhead." Bumblebee said in agreement. "They risk their lives in getting to the gate, we should at least thank them properly."

"Well, then, you can find her at the music dome with others. Since Miko is going to try and enter Sunny High."

"Thanks, Nightcore." Bumblebee thanked him which earned a simple wave from the Predacon.

As the Autobots followed Nightcore, Optimus spotted Megatron from a distance, talking with Dreadwing and Skyquake. Curious, Optimus said to the group that he will follow shortly as he was going to check on something. They obeyed and left while Optimus headed towards Megatron talking to Dreadwing.

"Are you sure, Lord Megatron?" Dreadwing asked Megatron in shock, and couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Megatron nodded his head, "Indeed, Dreadwing, I will no longer be the leader of the Decepticons. For I have lost my path all those years ago." He said to Dreadwing.

"But surely the battle we had with the Monstrums can change your mind." Skyquake said, backing up with his brother.

Megatron shook his head as a response. "Even though I redeem myself. I still have many thoughts in my mind...I need time to think, so I will be leaving the Decepticons on your charge, Dreadwing." He said to Dreadwing, shocking him in the process.

" is honor, my lord. But it's only for a while, right? You will return." Dreadwing said hopefully.

"I do not know when I will return or if I will return...I need time to clear my thoughts, understanding life in the other galaxies. Experiencing new culture, relationships...and connections with others. Just like how the Predacons and the Autobots with their allies." Megatron said to Dreadwing and Skyquake. "I trust you and your brother to keep the Decepticons in line before I leave?"

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