A Big Friend

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Yunna was flying in the air by using her wings. She carries the crate of supplies to Foxtrot's lab. Daisy was running below Yunna's flying form as they made their way back to Foxtrot's lab. Yunna was feeling unsure if she did the right thing to save Decepticon's life. She heard from Foxtrot that the Decepticons were the ones who started the war for no reason, and killed many innocent lives to get Cybertron all to themselves. Yunna shivered of the thought, Decepticons taking over was scary and she doesn't want to know what they will do when they try to take over Earth. Yunna brushed aside that thought and flew towards the destination. Yunna and Daisy made it back to the lab and saw Foxtrot waiting for them along with Ravage, Skyhowl, and Dark Twilight. Yunna landed on the ground and deactivated her wings before putting the crate down. Daisy walked past Yunna and stood in front of Foxtrot while wagging her two tails. Foxtrot patted Daisy's head gently before looking at Yunna.

"Great job, Yunna." Foxtrot complimented. "Now that we got what we need, we should go."

Yunna nodded before noticing Terror the cyberwolf/sparkeater was looking at the distance. Yunna was confused and followed Terror's gaze to that shows destroyed buildings. Yunna was confused, wondering why was Terror looking at a distance for no reason. Maybe he senses someone close by or he knows something that they don't know.

"What are you doing?" Foxtrot asked Yunna in confusion.

Yunna snapped out of her thoughts before looking at Foxtrot with an apologetic. "Gomenasai, Foxtrot-san, it's Terror. He's looking at something."

Foxtrot was confused by this before looking at Terror. The cyberwolf was looking at a distance, something was up, she knew it. And Terror might lead them to the source. Foxtrot turns around and heads to her lab's entrance. Yunna and the others were curious about what she's going to do, until she was near the entrance and opened a small hatch that revealed a red button inside. She pressed it and a hidden door opened from the ground and revealed a transportation vehicle. It doesn't have wheels considering it's a Cybertronian vehicle, it's a hovercraft. Foxtrot hops in and types in something on the vehicle's controls before turning on the engines. The vehicle started as it hovered from the grown and blue lights coming from below. Yunna, Ravage, and Skyhowl were surprised to see that, when did Foxtrot have that?

"Um...Foxtrot?" Ravage asked, looking at the vehicle. Foxtrot looked at him with a brow-ridge raised under her visor. "Why didn't you tell us you have this? Yunna could've use this a lot faster."

"Because Yunna doesn't know how to drive yet." Foxtrot explains briefly.

"Ohoho, burn." Dark Twilight grins in amusement.

Yunna could feel herself blushing a bit, it's true, she doesn't know how to drive yet. Heck, she still doesn't know how to activate her jet mode yet. Ravage rubbed the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed, he forgot that Yunna was once a human and still learning to get use of her body and learning Cybertronian.

"S-Sorry, Yunna." Ravage apologizes, feeling his faceplate blushing a bit.

Yunna made a nervous chuckle, but nodded. "I-It's okay, Ravage-san." She said quietly.

Foxtrot turns back to the controls and says. "Get in, we have to figure out what Terror is sensing. And put the crate on the back."

Yunna, Ravage, and Skyhowl nodded as they worked together and put the crate on the back. They got on the vehicle, Yunna sitting beside Foxtrot and Ravage and Skyhowl sitting on the back. Daisy decided to follow them while they follow Terror.

"Terror, lead the way." Foxtrot commanded.

Obeying the order, Terror runs off to the source. Foxtrot drives the vehicle after Terror with Daisy following them. They pass some falling debris and parts, Terror and Daisy run through the debris with ease. Terror leads them to an area, far from the destroyed city, to a wasteland of rust. Yunna looks at the scenery in sadness, she hears from Foxtrot that Cybertron was once a beautiful planet, filled with life and technologies, but now. It's an empty and dead planet. Yunna turns away and looks at her servos. She is now one of them and their home is her home now too. Their trip didn't take long as they reached a wasteland filled with what appears to be bones, but not just any bones, Predacon bones.

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