Wolf Within III

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"So...this guy, Jack Darby, is Wolf Blade?" Spider-Man questioned Dark.

Dark nodded as she placed a hand on her hip. "Yup, and never knew that he had it." She complimented. "I always thought that he's the quiet type."

Spider-Man looks at Jack and notices something strange. "Hey, what was the color of his eyes?"

Dark turns her head to him in confusion. "Huh?"

"When you were with him, what was the color of his eyes?"

Dark stared at him with a brow raise. "...You're joking."

"I'm serious, Dark." Spider-Man said.

Dark sighs. "His eyes are blue." She answered.

Spider-Man points at Jack's glaring eyes. "Take a look at his eyes now."

Dark looked at Jack's eyes and saw that they were silver. "Huh, Fury did say Wolf Blade's eyes are silver."

"Exactly, but what I don't understand is why he's acting like this." Spider-Man said, gesturing a snarling and trashing Jack. "He's acting all wolf."

Dark, for once, agreed with him. Jack isn't acting like himself. I mean, even though Dark barely knows him, she knows that Jack isn't the type of guy to act all savage, and attack criminals like no tomorrow. There was something wrong and Dark has a feeling that they need to bring him to Dr. Connors.


Dark and Spider-Man heard Nova scream. They turned towards the entrance of the factory and saw Nova being chased by Doberman Pinscher. Nova runs towards Dark and Spider-Man, screaming on top of his lungs as the Doberman Pinscher chases and barks at Nova.

 Nova runs towards Dark and Spider-Man, screaming on top of his lungs as the Doberman Pinscher chases and barks at Nova

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Nova quickly hides behind Spider-Man as Dark steps in front of them and gives the Doberman Pinscher a warning glare. When the Doberman Pinscher sees this, he quickly stops his tracks and lies on the ground with a submissive whimper. Dark went over to the Doberman Pinscher and kneels in front of him. Nova peeks behind Spider-Man as the two superhero teens watch as Dark calms down the Doberman Pinscher.

"Easy big boy, we just saved your life and this is how you thank one of them?" Dark questioned the dog, who whimpered.

"Since when you're a dog whisperer?!" Nova exclaims from behind Spider-Man.

"Hey, I'm rude, not heartless...well, most of the time." Dark said before turning to the Doberman Pinscher. "And besides, give this big guy a break, he's been through hell."

"He chased me!" Nova pointed out.

"He was just showing dominance. Isn't that right, big guy? You just showed the bucket head who's boss." Dark said to the Doberman Pinscher like if he was her pet before giving him a scratch under his chin.

This caused the Doberman Pinscher to bark in agreement before wagging his tail happily. Spider-Man and Nova were surprised how calm the Doberman Pinscher became after Dark scared him. Spider-Man started to believe that Dark isn't all that bad.

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