Diana awakening

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Saturday 18 November 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland

The months went by after the summer, and in the meantime the girls were still chewing on the whole idea of the probability of magic being real, much to their shock, But it was quite noticeable that three of these girls had a very big difficulty to perform the basics of magic, being them Amanda, Diana and Akko, as if something was blocking them from performing those spells, while the others were progressing in their own way, even Lotte who was the one who had practiced the least was improving substantially..
In Luna Nova, the orphan girls were trained by supervision of Croix and now Chariot, having quite a bit of help, the ones usually staying there were Marianne, Amanda, Constanze, Jasminka and Sucy, they were going to take classes usually after school period still in a very secretive way, without revealing to any of the other girls that magic could be real.
Akko and Lotte, went from time to time to the orphanage also to practice, Yanson was getting better with each class, but Kagari as always was having difficulties, the same ones that O'Neill also had, what was very suspicious, even a little strange how their magic was having these barriers.
The Cavendish sisters on the other hand had a training of magic well pushed mainly by the hands of Laura and Bernadette that were putting the physical and magical limits in both of them, a lot because Hellene already had some knowledge of magic, but that was what affected Diana a lot, who in those months she couldn't even get the basics, but even so she was pushed in the same level, she even showed an expression of giving up, because she thought that she was incapable of having magic, but it wasn't like that.

Another day was coming at the Cavendish mansion, for being a Saturday day it would be one that the magic of the two would be pulled for more time in the day, since their routine changed a lot pulling a training for the best of magic, besides the awakening also at least on Diana's part.
Early in the morning, both girls were awoken by their mothers, the redheaded one by her mother Laura and the platinum haired one by her mother Bernadette.

" Come on Diana, we have to keep trying " said mother Cavendish.

" Ah mum, why try? I'm useless, I'm not made for magic, train Hellene, I'll settle for being useless... " Said Diana and the mother was feeling enough of that in her heart, so much so that a one minute silence was passing through the room, with a motherly fondness, the older one holding her daughter's hand.

" Diana... I know this has been complicated for you all these days, look... We'll try one more time, okay? Just this once and then we'll never try again, I promise, all right? Then we'll try to solve this problem", said the older Cavendish with that way.

" Ok mum, I'll try this last time and this last day, then you train Hellene, because I'm just a dead weight " said the girl who even received a light pat from her mother.

The discouraged Cavendish got up from the bed, her mother left her alone to have her privacy, what she goes doing her morning needs, besides changing her clothes, putting on a running trousers, a t"shirt and over a coat, because the cold had already arrived and the winter was just a few weeks away from starting.
When finishing she finds herself with her younger sister in the dining room of the mansion, where both of them were enjoying with the huge variety of food, Laura and Bernadette didn't control so much their diet.
Finishing eating they went with the two mothers to the backyard of the house, where it was still a little bit dark because the day was still rising.

" Right... Let's go, starting with physical training, as usual, let's warm up " said Laura.

" My legs are killing me now Mama Laura, why do we have to do it every day? This has nothing to do with magic " said the eldest daughter complaining.

" You think so, but in reality training the body is part and parcel of the training of magic, your body is the receptacle of magic, if it is strong, you are with strong magic, you receive this magic better, you can use spells much stronger and advanced, everything depends on the balance of body and mind " Explains the redheaded mother.

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