The ninja witches

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Friday, 5 January 2018

It was already the third day that Margareth kept Amanda, Diana and Akko as her prisoners, with a time that was being a real hell for the trio, Kagari and O'Neill being constantly tortured with shocks and even sometimes beaten for not using the words of the staff, Cavendish suffering abuse for not educating the creature of Luna Nova properly, but even so for the Scot she saw it as a risk she could take, little by little that thing was learning to write, learning the alphabet and transforming that into words, soon into sentences, that could result in something much bigger.
On the other side the search continued, after the disastrous attempt with Margaret using the terrain as an advantage and also using the manipulation of Rachel's body, it was enough to scare the girls to try to risk doing a search, but they didn't give up yet, they went to arm themselves for a second search attempt.

The day began in the dungeon where the trio was being held captive, in the creature's room, there was Diana waking up after sleeping next to Diana who was little by little improving the state of her body, since practically every day the Cavendish was being forced to donate her blood to the thing, which was gradually restoring her more human form, the skin remained pale, but was already showing some signs of places with heat, the dark circles under the eyes were not so scary, but the body was still very thin.
The Scottish girl gets up from the bed and from there she goes to prepare something to eat, making some pancakes, but soon she ends up feeling a shock given by Margareth.

" Why? I didn't do anything! " said Diana.

[Margareth: Why yes, eat and then I will take your blood, you can't get strong, you have to donate more blood, besides that you teach me right, I won't punish you today only because you are teaching her to write after all].

" Which you as a creator should do, you're just a lazy slacker, you never do anything," Cavendish said and got another shock.

[Margareth: Stop talking what you don't know, I was defending myself from your friends coming, that you were celebrating because they managed to escape, but next time they won't, this is my land, there's a lot more I hide that I can release to protect myself, the sea of rats was just one of them, zombifying Rachel too].

" Fucking... You're a monster! " Said the Scot finishing making the food and then contact is cut off.

Soon the little creature wakes up, goes running to the kitchen where she finds her friend making a nice plate of pancakes with maple syrup, helping her to know new dishes, practically that Diana was like a child discovering things, getting very attached to the other Diana that treated her like a true friend, was creating much more of a protection.
Some time after they eat, comes the moment when Margareth again takes the blood from the blue-eyed girl and starts to fill more in the creature, the skin was little by little gaining a less pale colour, it was possible to notice some points where it was receiving the heat, the format of the face was also changing, it was getting fuller, looking like a miracle.

" It's working until your useless, soon Diana will be with the body I always wanted, now go back to your place, and do a proper job you brat, she still has no class and she has to be obedient to me! " said Ford.

They go back to their place, where the Cavendish is teaching more things to the creature, which is strangely improving to the point of forming all the sentences, what was even being a strange and huge advance, possibly because of the blood that was donated, things were improving a lot.
At the other dungeon Margareth was arriving where Akko and Amanda
were, both sitting there somewhat exhausted and weak.

" And then are you going to speak the first word or not? You guys can't go without food and die, I don't want to resort to that " Ford said until she got a spit from Akko that catches on her face.

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