Levitation classes with Finnelan

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Friday, 22 December 2017

One more day passed in Luna Nova, this time with Nelson creating a little bit of trust with the girls, around getting a little closer to having in hands the girls that are with the magic seals, but still it is a process that will need a great manipulation by Margareth in trying everything possible to achieve this possible goal, even if it is still extremely complicated, it is what is necessary so that the witch can have the power of Claiomh Solais in hands without causing panic.

The next day arrived, at this moment the eight girls were being woken up by the alarms of the mobile phones, at seven o'clock in the morning, looking by the messages there were warnings from Croix and Ursula to go to one of the old rooms of Luna Nova, where they would have the first magic class, what was already cheering most of the girls.
At the red team's room, Akko
went quickly to change, after that making her morning hygiene, leaving after that to the classroom, together with her friends that were also waking up.

" The lessons are not going to fly out Akko, stop being so hasty like that " Sucy said.

" Sucy is right, she is giving all the time in the world for us to come to magic class," Lotte said.

" Still, I am anxious, I really want to see how these magic classes will be, I always wanted to have classes like this, to be a witch, a dream coming true " Atsuko said.

" I thought your dream was to be a great skater like Chariot " Manbavaran said.

" It's one of them, but it was kind of a wish of mine that I had out of a lot of idolising her, I really have to chase my dreams, be myself, so like I still dream of being a great skater, but I saw this journey of being a witch as something I could do " Kagari said.

" Learn magic? To be able to use your magic? Because that's what you need most right now Akko " Said the Filipina starting to laugh.

" Sucy! " They both say.

The trio after a nice relaxed conversation arrives where was the room indicated by Croix and Ursula, with the number 21, they enter there and notice that it still has many of the remains of a classroom, as the board, some chairs, and there were also Finnelan, Laura and Bernadette, joining in the middle of the class, besides the other girls that were arriving.

" What is caretaker Finnelan doing here? " asked the Japanese woman.

" Before I was caretaker here, I was one of the most prestigious teachers in this place, I used to give etiquette lessons and also teach a lot about levitation magic, I was the one who taught most of what Chariot and Croix know today about magic, at the request of Holbrooke who saw the potential in these two " Anne explained.

" She will teach you today to perfect the levitation of objects and who knows also be of great help to have more lightness and control of your magic, I know you must have trained hard these months, but now we are at this stage of perfecting " said Croix.

" What about me? I can barely wear a metamorphie faciasse without shitting all over myself " Brown said raising her hand.

" Nothing like a good attention span in class and you might be able to release that seal that's on you," Finnelan said.

Akko was just inflating her cheeks a little, but she understood the message, soon the other girls started to arrive to watch this levitation objects class, the green team, then Marianne, Hellene and finally Diana who came punctually at the time the class would start according to the schedule given by Croix and Ursula, each one is sitting in the middle of the desks getting more accumulated in the front and in the middle very close to the board and the teacher.

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