The end of Winter break

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That day was intense, the winter holidays were coming to an end, the eleven girls would go back to their normal school days, but before that there would still be a moment to celebrate, since a wonderful thing happened that was the return of Diana, Akko and Amanda, after five days in prison in the hands of Margaret Ford, a celebration was deserved and it would even be done in the huge room of the blue team, which Diana had to talk to her friends about it.

After the last meeting that's what she did, arriving back in her room and seeing her two friends there watching Grey's anatomy together, until Cavendish pauses the television to talk to her friends.

" I need to talk to you " said the Scot.

" Ah finally going to reveal us," Hannah said teasingly.

" Listen up, because this is important and very serious, no telling Avery and Mary, this subject is too important to become friend gossip.

The two nodded, noticing her friend's serious tone, who started to tell her story, but without mentioning the magic yet, she was talking in a more normal way about the whole prison situation and also without mentioning about Ford's creation.
She went on talking detail by detail about the nightmare of living in those dungeons as Benson's captive, the cruelties she went through, what led to her hair becoming that way, including the abuses all three of them went through, how it wasn't easy to deal with during those five days, that it was all a trap made by someone pretending to be Nelson, but who later escaped.
The two of them were in shock, mainly with the revelations of what Diana had gone through during her time there in relation to her own body, you could see that her face showed disgust followed by a desire to cry for the situation, which ended up in a hug between the three of them.

" Damn, I didn't know it was that serious? I'm sorry Diana, I know I'm a bit of a nagging bitch, but I didn't realise it was an abusive situation you'd been through. It was really bad," Hannah said.

" Oh friend, you didn't deserve to go through these things, this woman is a monster, I didn't know there was someone like that hiding around here and yet she kept you locked up for so long," Barbara said.

" I know it's a bit much to ask, but I'd like to get the lassies here, we want to have a farewell party between us, is that alright? " Cavendish asks, and they both nod in agreement.

" Look for me you can do as much as you like, but I'm not staying here, I'd rather go to Avery's room," said the auburn haired Englishwoman.

" Ah Hannah stop being boring, let's enjoy a bit, I'm staying here " Parker said.

" Bleh, go on then, I'd rather spend the night there in Avery's room. I was already going to sleep there anyway, enjoy yourselves " England said shrugging.

With that it was decided who would stay and who would go, so Diana herself communicates with her friends, Diana even sees in Barbara an opportunity to tell things more in depth, without her spreading the word to Hannah, since she has more confidence in Parker.
Starting to tidy up the room using magic enchanting herself to see that, things moving without Diana touching them, just using her magic to sort of organize everything.

" Diana what is that? " asks the dark haired one.

" This is magic Barb, this I ask you not to tell Hannah for a while, but it is what Luna Nova hides, I know I can trust you, so I'm already revealing it," said the Scottish lass.

" Is this real magic? It's no illusion, are you really a sorceress? " Parker asks impressed.

" This is just the beginning Barb, soon you will know more, if you want you can even start to learn with Ursula and Croix how you do these spells, I ask them to show you and that is someone you can trust, it is always good to have another witch in our group " Said the one with platinum hair.

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