Margareth's childhood

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In the morning of the third day in another place of Luna Nova, after a night of sleep that was very preoccupying, much on the part of the girls that were trying by all means to find Diana, Akko and Amanda, besides also of Margareth, but until then nothing could be looked for by the corners of that place during the night, being like this it would be better to prepare for a search in the following day in the morning.
And so it was done Laura, Bernadette, Chariot, Croix, Nelson, Finnelan, Badcock, Lukic, Saori, Morgana, Sucy, Lotte, Hellene, Marianne, Constanze and Jasminka all gathered in one of the rooms of Luna Nova, with the mothers of the Japanese girl still without knowing anything of what had happened with the girl, because of this call on the part of all for a meeting, what already raised a greater tension still on the part of the others.

With everyone in the rooms, some conversations were going on, and the Japanese mothers were getting confused with all that, especially because Akko, Diana and Amanda were not present, causing even more strangeness, besides the face that still had some wounds on Laura's part with some swelling.

" What has happened here? " Morgana asks.

" Morg, I have terrible news for you. Your daughter... Diana and Amanda, they were captured by Margaret... She's loose, she's back " McLaren said and soon she could notice the reaction of the two mothers in fear.

" I told you! I told you not to get Akko into this magic stuff! All this would not happen if we kept hiding her about being a witch, look what happened now, Morgana! We should not allow it, that is why Atsuko was sealed... Remember? " Saori said angrily.

" She is stubborn my love, you know how complicated Akko is to deal with, we have to be patient with our girl, she would find out one day or another, but holy shit! What do you mean she's missing now? How could you let this happen? " Takahashi said.

" I'm sorry Morg, from what we know so far Margaret disguised herself as Nelson all this time, she infiltrated us, pushed them into room three and then into Claiomh Solais's room, she knew where it was... Unfortunately it was our fault, we shouldn't have sealed the girls, it was because of this seal thing that they were captured and chased.

" Look honestly, crying over spilt milk won't change anything, we don't have to point fingers here or blame ourselves, my daughter, Amanda and your daughter are there suffering at the hands of that monster, we have to act, we have to run after that witch before things get much worse " Cavendish said already giving one more attitude.

" And what do we do? " both mothers ask.

" First of all we have to know the play, why she is doing this, who she is, it's no use not knowing the enemy if you intend to enter a battle against her to get our victory, now you all pay attention, because Laura and I are going to explain who is Margaret Ford, we know in detail the history because we are the great-granddaughter of a survivor of Margaret's abuses, besides that we have already been through many good and bad things in the hands of this witch " Said the one with platinum hair.

" You better do something, I am still furious that you did not tell us last night, you only told us now, it is not because I am not a witch that you have to omit it from us " said the furious Kagari.

And with that was where Laura and Bernadette started to use their magic effects, with the room getting dark, practically a cinema was starting thanks to the magic of the couple, that was creating images based on what they imagine to be the past of the witch Margaret Ford, leaving a little of the girls amazed with the capacity of creating images, where was starting everything really from the beginning

10 December 1898, Leeds, England, Ford family mansion

Gabrielle Benson, a poor girl who lived on the outskirts of London had been sold to become the wife of the heir of the Ford Petrol Company, Keith Ford, both got married and soon in a few months the first fruit of this arranged marriage came into the world, in a totally different time than nowadays. The family doctor and his team were removing the child that Gabrielle was giving birth to, this child was a girl, which caused the father to be extremely angry, avoiding at all costs hold that child.

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