The rescue

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While Diana, Akko and Amanda were escaping from Margareth's hands, the other fourteen witches were also going in search of finding the three girls, which is getting complicated with Ford's defenses in full swing, some creatures were starting to go towards them to attack them, All this while the battle of the trio and the other Diana against Margareth was going on, who ended up trying by all means to hold Ford back from running after her friends, even though she felt an immense pain with the arrow that was pierced, that was why she used the magic she had in her body instead of saving her own life.

A manticora appears on the alternative path that the other group of fourteen witches were taking, stopping a little on the way, to fight against that mixture of lion, with scorpion and dragon that was approaching the seven roaring and acting in the most intimidating way possible.

" Stay cool, let's attack this thing together " said Chariot who was already glowing with her wand.

The others too, until Constanze starts shooting after throwing a grenade towards the creature that jumps in the middle of the explosion and that's when Du Nord threw herself into an impulse hitting a two foot volley into the monster's face that ended up with its belly exposed, being the perfect way Croix found to use a blade spell cutting the belly of the creature that was falling dead to the ground after that one.

" Whew... That was easy... " Said Meridies until more of those manticores start appearing, surrounding her from all sides.

" Shit... There are too many, now we have to think of a better way to attack " Said the Du Nord who was about to start shining her wand aiming at one of the creatures.

Surrounded by five other manticores, the girls went about trying to keep calm, Constanze, Jasminka, Lotte, Morgana, Saori, Chariot and Croix, all who were on the alternate path went about taking deep breaths, waiting for the attack of the manticores who advanced all five at once, right at the time a spell of a magic sphere was done where they jumped up a bit and with that the manticores all collided, even poisoning themselves in the process.

" Whew... It was close, but it's already being great " said the Frenchwoman.

" It's useless to use firearms here, these creatures don't feel a shot " Morgana said as some grenades were thrown amidst the manticores causing some explosions.

This with them still hidden inside the magic bubble, raising the most smoke, but even so they were still there intact the creatures, presenting a tremendous resistance against any of the explosives, even still wounded, it was where Chariot descended and transformed her broom into a sword, where it was already up to one of the manticoras battling against the sting of the creature that was hitting against the magic blade, with that the Meridies also descends to the attack hitting well in the head of one of the creatures about to catch Du Nord by behind, killing it, the others were falling of the bubbles and with the magic were sort of tying the monsters.

" Thanks love, you saved me on that one " Said the Frenchwoman who then landed a precise blow on the head of that struggling manticore.

Only three were missing and those were kind of tied by the rest of the girls that was using some magic ropes to hold them in the same place, that's where Croix and Chariot finished the job stocking the remaining creatures, kind of fighting against the stings with precise defenses made by the "blade" of the swords, until hitting them finishing the monsters.

" This one was more tiring, she possibly already knows our way around, but it's funny because she didn't have a camera detected in this location " said the Italian.

" Maybe she's sending everything she has and the creatures that found us," replies the Frenchwoman.

" Anyway let's go, I even felt useless with those weapons, I should have learned magic if I knew it would save my life that much " Morgana said.

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