The search for Margareth

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Diana, Akko and Amanda were quickly surrendered by Margaret and the most disastrous of all is that they were captured as if it was nothing, even with Laura's intervention that was trying to get to Ford, it was not enough, the witch was more powerful than everything, McLaren could not handle the blows of Benson, who was willing to do anything to have the plans accomplished, going to a hidden place in Luna Nova, as a way to hide from the others, besides giving continuity to the plans, being the worst of all, that Chariot and Croix were still to arrive where the witch's seal was, about to discover that actually it was another person that was sealed.

Bernadette kept following by the magical presence that she was feeling weakening, she reached the corridor where room three was, but by there she felt that the presence was further ahead, so she went running to the room, coming across the horrible scene in which there was her wife a little hurt in some parts, besides her daughter and her girlfriend tied up in chairs, which Cavendish soon uses a healing spell causing McLaren to end up waking up.

" What? Shit! I didn't make it! That bitch hit me... Hellene! Marianne! " Said the redhead waking up in despair still feeling some pain.

" Stay here freckles, I'll untie them, I came as fast as I could when you left your presence to track you down " Said the Scot untying the girls.

" Cabbage Patch... She took Akko, Diana and Amanda, I'm sure, I couldn't see, but she was carrying what looked like a sled must have been with the bodies of the three... I know she didn't kill them, but our lassies are at risk, she's kidnapping them, we have to find them as soon as possible before things get worse," said the Irish girl forcing herself up.

" By the way we didn't find Nelson in her room, the suspicion is more real than it seems, Margaret was hiding here the whole time, now how she managed to escape from the seals is a real mystery, even with only one it wasn't even for her to leave the place, something happened to the real Nelson so that Margaret could get out " Cavendish said.

" I don't know what happened, but we'll soon find out when Croix and Chariot find Nelson, now let's get the lassies to safety, or wake them up, they must know something " McLaren said getting up and watching her wife using a spell to scan both their bodies.

" So early they don't wake up... Margaret used a sleeping pill on them, we will only know in the morning, for now let's take them to their rooms, poor things must be victims of Margaret and then we will try to search for the presence of the others " Said the one with olive green eyes starting to carry Marianne by the arms.

The two from there went together walking through the corridors taking the couple to the brown team's room, where they left the pair lying on the same bed as a couple, then walking back to Nelson's room, where they were still searching everything, but at the same time they couldn't find anything, they even tried to do a spell to repair objects to their previous state, but nothing solved it.

" What about something? What about that blood on your T"shirt? " Finnelan asks.

" It's ugly down there, Margareth is around here, she's back, the worst of it is that she might have taken Diana, Akko and Amanda, besides having hurt Hellene and Marianne, but those we managed to find, after being tied up and put to sleep, our mission changes now " Said the one with platinum hair.

" That's my blood, I got a lot of it from Margaret, we have to organize ourselves all over the corridors, we have to find some place where Ford could have hid, before things get much worse," said the redhead all motivated.

" Don't you think we'd better wait for Ursula and Croix? We are not that powerful witches and in case we meet this Margaret it is good to have reinforcements, besides it is better you rest a little Laura, you are one of the strongest and you lost easily to Margaret " Said the wife and with that she even agreed with her head.

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