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Heyy people, i decided to do this series with more coming up later so look forward to it! :)


Minho: What are you 5?

Hyunjin (snorts): Yeah 5, heads taller than you.



Hyunjin: Im sorry don't kill me..


Minyoung: I wish we could block people in real life.

Garam: Restraining order.

Jisung: Murder.

Chan: WHA-


Chan: You four explain. Right now.

Jeongin: It was Changbin hyung.

Seungmin: It was Changbin hyung.

Garam: It was Changbin.

Changbin: It was me.

Changbin: Ah, fuck you guys.


Jisung, rolling down the window: What seems to be the problem officer?

Officer: Get the FUCK out my car.


Minyoung: Fight me!

Hyunjin: Ha! Look at your size. What are you going to do, kick my ankles?


Seungmin: Why is Hyunjin on the floor crying..

Garam, rubbing his back: Minyoung kicked him really hard in the ankle.


Minho: Who's most likely to stalk their crush?

Everyone points at Jisung: What?!

Felix: You'd be outside their window watching them sleep.


Jisung, frowning: How'd you know.

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