Ships within Straykids! Garam ver.

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(ChAr/Old friends) Popularity: 86%

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(ChAr/Old friends)
Popularity: 86%

These two go way back. They met when they were trainees and have been close ever since. Bangchan sees her as a little sister and always puts her first. To tell you the truth, Garam was the first person who came into mind when Chan was first asked to hand-pick the members. Garam has learnt everything from Chan and looks up to him. Fans find it heartwarming when Chan invites Garam to his lives.


(MiRam/Platonic Soulmates)Popularity: 90%

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(MiRam/Platonic Soulmates)
Popularity: 90%

It might not be too noticeable for non fans, but stay know how much these two love each other. Minho would do anything for Garam in a heartbeat. A STAY once mentioned in a live what would he do if Garam were in danger, he quickly replied back saying how he would drop anything in his hands just to go save this girl. This ship is just as popular as Minsung. Garam would do just the same for him.


(GaBin/Besties)Popularity: 73%

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Popularity: 73%

Garam goes to Changbin when needed to be comforted. He's like her own personal therapist and helper. When not needing help, they are both the jokesters and clowns in the duo along with Jisung and Felix. They make the group feel alive and set. Bangchan has to always split them apart because of how hectic it gets. It's hilarious.

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