Interview #1

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With StrayKids

Italics is when they speak Korean
Regular is when they speak English


"Hello everyone we are-"


"And today we'll be joining ___, with a game of 'Who's most
likely to..'. Now shall we begin?" Bangchan asks his members. They all nod and wait for their question.

Who's most likely to forget lyrics to a song?

"I think we all know this. 1, 2, 3." The group showed Jisung's picture to the camera.

"It's pretty obvious." Chan says shrugging.

"There's videos online of Han forgetting his lyrics at events. All you hear is mumbling." Garam says with a giggle following after.

Who's the best dancer?

"1, 2, 3."

"Changbin!" Han shouts. Everyone laughs out loud.

"I picked Changbin because i think he's a great dancer." Felix comments. They all agreed laughing .

Who's most likely to google themselves?

Everyone picks Garam and Jeongin .

"I think Garam is most likely to pick her self, just to see what's right and what's wrong online." Hyunjin explains his choice. The other members nod and agree with him.

"I picked I.N because he feels delighted to see himself on google." They all laugh and agree.

Who takes the most selfies?

" Mani or I.N for sure." Seungmin says.

"You scroll through their camera and you see at least 100 selfies." Felix tells the camera. Everyone nods and agrees.

"Hey when someone looks this good, you gotta take pictures." Minyoung states patting her shoulder.

"Yeah you take so many because you can't take a good picture on the first try." Seungmin comments. Both Jisung and Hyunjin start dying of laughter. She immediately glares at them and they stop.

"Next question." She turns to look at the camera with a smile.

Who's the best cook?

"It's either Lee know or Mani." Felix says putting up the their photos.

"I think Minho is the best cook! The other day he made us beef wellingtons. They were delicious." Garam reminds everyone. The members all recall the time and agree.

"Yes." Minho says with his broke. english.

"I chose Mani because i like the way she cuts my sandwiches." Jeongin shrugs. Minyoung shakes his hand and smiles.

Who's most likely to cry watching a movie?

"Well i think it depends on the movie." Chan states.

"Yeah, if it's sad movies it's these four."  Changbin points at Garam, Hyunjin, Jisung, and Minyoung.

"I am sensitive!" Hyunjin replies in english.

"Okay but if it's scary it's Chan, Changbin, and Felix. Maybe I.N." Jisung says.

"You too." Minho tells him. "You're always holding me tight. It squishes my b-"

"Alright! Next question please."  Chan interrupts their conversation.

"I think that's it." Garam says looking at the staff. They nod yes.

"Well guys thats it for 'Who's most likely'. Make sure to subscribe to ___ and listen to our newest song Case 143!" Felix says.


"See you later!"

"Bye STAY."

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