Hae's Day : Vlog - What does Haejin do everyday?

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Narrator's POV:

'안녕하세요 STAYs, It's me Haejin!' She giggled at the vlog camera shyly and covered her face. 'As you all can see I'm still in bed right now since I just woke up, I'm a bit shy actually because this is my first time showing my bare face.' She said and removed her hand trying to regain her composure.

'Okay, I should probably stop laughing. So STAYs, today I'm doing a vlog of what I do every day daily. Since many of the STAYs have been wondering what it's like to be the only female member of a co-ed K-pop group.' She paused to smile and proceeded to sit up from her crumpled pillows.

'I'm going to make my bed and then get ready for today.' She climbed out of bed and started beating the creases out of her nest.

'Now that everything's done.' She said and reversed the camera to show her made bed. 'Come with me to wash up and get myself ready!' She smiles and runs to her bathroom.

'So usually I wash my face and do my skincare first so it has time to absorb while I brush my teeth after.' She explains whilst squeezing a little cloud of foam cleanser onto the palm of her hands. 'I'm going to get ready now and I'll see you at breakfast!' She says and cuts the video.

/Time Skip/

'Hi STAYs, I'm back!' She cheers quietly and does a little spin around the kitchen. 'Today for breakfast I'm going to eat some yogurt and fruit!' She explains as she chops up some strawberries. 'Yesterday when I went to the store, I brought some date yogurt and it looks really nice. Have a look STAYs.' She scoops the yogurt into a bowl and shows it to the camera. 'I kind of sound like a food influencer.' She muses and arranges the strawberries on the little mountain of yogurt.

'잘 먹겠습니다! STAY, have a bite please' she holds her spoon to the camera and waits for a bit. She cuts the camera and puts it on time lapse to film herself and finish her meal. The scene slowly transitions to Haejin walking in the hallway of a building.

'Hey STAY! Guess who I'm with?' She giggles as two fingers form bunny ears on top of her head. '안녕 STAY! It's me, Lee Know!' Minho smiles at the filming camera. 'Would you like to tell the STAYs where we are going now?' Haejin asks. 'WE ARE GOING TO THE PRACTICE ROOM!' Someone sings at the top of their lungs as she reverses the camera to reveal a dancing Jisung.

'Yes, you heard Hannie STAY. We are going to practice a new choreography! I'll have to stop filming now because hush hush it's a surprise!' She laughs as Jisung and Minho sticks their head in the frame and started pulling faces.

/Time Skip #2/

'Practice was kind of tiring.' Haejin huffs a little as she sips a cup of brown liquid, presumably the famous "Iced Americano" 'But I'll promise to do my best for you STAYs! I'm so excited to perform for you all! Hwaiting!' She speaks to the camera. 'Right now I have a flying yoga class. I'll invite you to come and watch?' She walks through the door and greets her instructor.

Next, a montage of Haejin doing various poses is displayed across the screen with a mood board concept. The video then fades into Haejin sitting at a table. She was about to speak when someone else beat her to it. '안녕 STAYs, I'm Bang Chan!' Chan pops his head in the frame and grins at the camera. 'I'm in the studio with Haejin and we are having lunch after we recorded some top-secret stuff.' He says mysteriously and wiggles his eyebrows causing the girl to laugh.

The camera then cuts and another scene of Chan and Haejin pops up. 'Haejin-ah, you need to eat and stay healthy.' Chan tells her. 'Oppa you're such a caring leader, I promise I'm eating lots!' She whines slightly.

/Le Time Skip pt.3/

'안녕하세요 STAYs! It's vocal lesson time!' Haejin sang and a trail of giggles broke out in the background of the room. 'I'm here with Jihyo and Nayeon Unnie from Twice and they are going to help me with practising. Thank you Unnies!' She explains as the two older females squished her into a big hug.

/Thy Fourth Time Skip -(William ShakeSpearB)/

'Hello, STAYs! I'm having an early dinner and after that, I'll catch up on some schoolwork. Thank you all for watching and I hope you all have a good day or night!'

'안녕히 가십시오 STAYs!!! I love you guys!' She beams and gives the camera a giant hug.

I am Bae Haejin - Stray Kids 9th Member (Not Updating)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang