Hae's Day : Vlog

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Haejin's POV:

'안녕히 가십시오 STAYs!!! I love you guys!'

I watched myself smiling widely on screen and hugging the camera. 'I'll just remove the last few seconds and cut it back a bit' I mumbled under my breath. Under the influence of my fingers the mouse flew across the mouse pad rapidly, the quiet clicks being the only noise in the living room.

The silence of the room was finally broken when I pressed upload. I heard the door open in crashed Jisung and Felix, hair soaked, fringe plastered to their foreheads. 'Hey Jisung, Felix.' I stood up to greet them. As the Maknae Line We all decided to drop the formalities when we're off camera to feel more comfortable around each other. They both flashed a smile at me and sprawled over the couch I was originally sitting on.

'Do you two need some water?' I eyed the latter who resembled two brightly coloured couch potatoes. Jisung rubbed his eyes, a yawn escaping those puffy cheeks. 'That means yes.'Felix chuckled, but I was already in the kitchen anyways. Carefully, I filled two glasses and dropped in a few cubes of ice that bobbed at the surface of the cold liquid.

I made my way down the hall and found Felix fumbling with the strings of his hoodie. I took a look at Jisung and saw the boy already fast sleep. This hair all messy and fluffed up atop his head as quiet snores came from his direction. I set Jisungs glass on the table and passed the other to Felix who gladly took it and eyed me as a silent thank you.

After he finished his drink he stood up and stretched. 'Let's head over to my room?' He asks in English. I nodded and followed close behind the Australian boy. His bed creaked slightly under both of our weight as we shuffled around before leaning against the headboard comfortably. 'So.' He breathed. 'What were you up to for the past few days? I mean, we haven't hung out alone for awhile now ay?'

I nodded and looked at the ceiling. 'I know, I've been working on the Hae's Day Vlog. I'm finally done with the first episode.' I smiled, peeling my gaze from the ceiling to his now beaming face. 'Really? I'm so proud of you. You know I've always worried about you being mistreated after we debut.' He paused and drew in a long breath. 'But I'm glad that PD-nim is treating all of us fairly.' He cracked a smile, showing his neat row of pearly whites.

'Do you wan't to watch it?' I asked. He nodded. 'I don't see why not but let's get comfy first shall we?'

Just as he said, we propped my laptop in between the two of us along with all the stuffed toys on his bed. 

'Ready?' he glanced as me.


And I hit play...

I am Bae Haejin - Stray Kids 9th Member (Not Updating)Where stories live. Discover now