chapter 14

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I haven't seen Ethan for 3 days now. I was busy for my exam but we talked on phone and had video chats. Today was my last exam we have a dinner date tonight. It's our first official date because we never had a proper date before.
Ethan asked me to go on a daye with him and i said yes.
He picked me up from my hostel and we went to a really fancy restaurant again.
Uff...why can't he choose a normal place.
We went to the restaurant and he already had booked a corner table for us. The waitress came and asked for order. But  I really don't know how to and what to order in this fancy restaurant so i asked Ethan to do the order.
He order steak , salad , mushroom soup and ice cream. "No peanuts at all keep in mind" he firmly told the waitress.

You don't like peanuts? I asked.
I am allergic to it . I can't even smell it" he said.
  The waitress brought the food and served it ."Thank you "I said .Then she left.
Samee..I heard someone calling me in a familiar voice and when I looked back it was Frank . Frank is my childhood friend. We are basically neighbours. But today i saw him after almost 4 years because he went to Italy to fulfill his dream. He wanted to become a mechelen chef and have have his own restaurant chain.
"Frank..".I said amusingly and we hugged each other. How are you and where were you for 4 years ?? I asked 
I am okay..."seria" ( seria is thr nickname frank used in our childhood)  but tell me Ms doctor how are you?? And he ? Frank asked looking at Ethan.
He..before i could say something brought his hand forward saying" Ethan Grey Samantha's boyfriend ".
Frank Louise Samantha's old friend " Frank said.
"I know you Mr Louise last month my team was here to finalise the deal about  the shares of your  restaurant ." Ethan said.
"Oh..Nice to meet you personally Mr Grey" Frank said.
Wow Frank you have a restaurant!! Congrats! I said surprisingly.
"Actually now I have 5 Seria."Frank said.
Wow..more congratulations then  I said smilingly.
"Thank you seria and have you tried your favourite stir fried lobster here" he said . I said no.Then he called a waiterand ordered a stir fried lobster for me.
"This  recipe is  specially made according to your choice" Frank said.
But his assistant called him to join a meeting . "Okay now i have to go this is my card just give me a call and see you soon. Bye seria and Bye Mr Grey " Then he left.

When i looked at Ethan he looked pised and he was looking at something behind me . When i behind to see what it was there was the  name of this restaurant   #"SERIAA"#  . Tis restaurant is named after me !! I was surprised but eathan looked angry.
The lobster came and really it was according to my taste . I was happily eating that but Ethan didn't even look at it. I offered him but he said he is allergic to it.
Ohh god this man is really allergic to lobster!! Poor guy.
Ethan paid the bill and we left the restaurant but Ethan was looking at my name's board outside the restaurant and he was not happy about it.

We went into his car and he started driving but after sometime i noticed we are not going to my hostel.
Ethan where are we going?? I asked.
"My house" he said. The drive was silent.

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