chapter 17

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When i was small i really wanted to meet my father and talk to him but as i didn't have my father my mom told me that my father is in the stars.When people die they become stars so if i want to talk to my father i should talk to stars. But i couldn't find my father because there was so many stars so... i started to talk to the moon and then he became my friend. So, whenever i feel low or i missed my father i used to talk to the moon. Maybe it's feel great to have a father.... People are lucky who have their father and their childhood memories with their parents" i said .

Not all fathers are great. Sometimes they are like mine who are not worthy enough to be called father." Ethan said.
Why are you saying that" i asked confusing face.
He never appreciated my mother. My mom was always alone. Even when she was in her last days,he didn't give her enough time. He was always in other countries...i don't know doing what! He was neither a good husband or a good father" he said.

Did your mother tell you that your father is not a good husband? How do you know about their relationship? I asked. mother didn't. In fact she always wanted us to think that our father is really hardworking and a good husband & a good father. But she was alone. I felt bad for her . If i ever tell her that dad is not good or complained about him she always told me " If you don't like your father then don't do this to your family when you have one". So, i had to shut my mouth. I wish my mother was here to celebrate my success or to motivate me on my failure  I really miss her"he said.

She is always with you" i said.
What!"he said with a confused face.

When you love someone but that person is not with you what you have to do is just close your eyes and remember all beautiful memories that you share with your loved ones.Trust me...its works" i said confidently.

Don't try to fool me" he said while laughing.
Just close your eyes " i forced him.

He closed his eyes and i told him to remember all the beautiful memories that he have with his mother.
After a minute...he opened his eyes with a mild smile.
It's actually works . Thanks " he said.

I told you!" I said proudly .
Then we cuddled and watched stars.

Do you use this method to remember your father?"he asked.
No.. ." I said.
Why?"he asked.
Because i don't have any memory with him. He died when i was 3. So, i don't even remember his proper face. I have just seen his photos. But i can't imagine him." I said while tears were rolling down to chicks.

He just tightened the hug and kissed me on my forehead. Then i didn't realised when sleep consumed me.

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