Chapter 22

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It's been 3 weeks since I joined this campaign. It's been a great experience for me..Yes it's true that I am missing Ethan. But we have talk for sometimes in this week. He is too busy now for his dream project and time schedule of these countries are different from newyork, So it was bound to happen.
With this kids I have learnt a lot.
They have taught me how to be happy in every situation. They are having so many problems but still so happy and cheerful. I just love them.
Here I have made some friends.
There are more 5 doctors with me...We have become really good friends after coming here.

Paul is one of them...he is really kindhearted. We have become really good friends after coming here.

Few days ago
When we met a child who was 7 years old and suffering from cancer. His mother was really upset about it and his treatment was really costly and not possible in Africa. So, Paul used his connections to arrange a free treatment in Singapore for the child. He is really calm and composed as a person. He is wonderful with the patients, infact far better than me.


It been 3 weeks since samantha left.
I really miss her. I am too busy to even talk to her but there is not even a single moment when I don't miss her.
These days have make me feel how much i love her...
Yes...I am in love with Samantha Thomas.

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