Chapter 21

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After Mrs Robinson left, I was cooking when Ethan came to the kitchen and was surprised to see me cooking.

"You know cooking?"Ethan asked.

"Yes,my mother was busy with her work.... So,I somehow leant it." I said.

I asked him to sit down and set the table with the food.
There was stir fried lobsters and vegetable soup. I gave him the vegetable soup and asked him to start.
But he was surprised that I didn't gave him lobsters. I got his amusement and said" Aren't you allergic to lobsters!! Remember when we met Frank, you didn't even taste it because you are allergic to it!"

Then he remember that and cooled down and started drinking the soup.
After a moment i again said " But Mrs Robinson said that you love lobsters!!!
Why would she say that🤔🤔?"

"Actually I am allergic to Frank's lobsters but fine with others 🤧"he said.

After hearing this I Couldn't but laugh.
And gave him his favourite lobsters.
He was looking like a child while eating the lobsters. I found him really cute at that moment. I also realised that Ethan was jealous of Frank and it was really funny because I have always considered Frank as my brother.

At the evening, we were at the balcony enjoying the darkness and i asked Ethan about his project and He said that it was going good. And if everything goes well he is going to launch the cars in next month. I became really happy hearing this.

"This month's schedule is gonna be really busy for me" he said.

"It's a good thing! "I said.

"Why?"he asked.

"Because I would be out of the country and it's good that you are busy with work otherwise I wouldn't know what are you doing behind my back." i said jockingly.

"But I would be free at night, So I can do whatever I want at night or on weakened" he said moacking me.

I don't know why Ethan being with any other girl made me really angry and sad.
I hold him to his collar and said,"If you want any other girl Just tell me, I would leave you happily but don't even think about cheating on me ever...If you do that, I would kill that girl and also kill myself,Thus you would be alone in this world with guilt.... Remember that!"

Ethan was astonished hearing me and So was I. I don't know why I sounded like that.

"I would never think about any other girl in my whole life, I promise you."He said.
I became happy hearing this and kissed him. The kiss depened more and more and we ended up making love on his bed.It was slow and comforting.

We were both naked on his bed and it was very pleasurable. He put on a condom before entering me and I was happy seeing him doing that.
I was moaning his name when he was inside me. Then he kissed me and sucked my breast while fucking me and we came together.

"Samantha.. You are the only girl I want in my whole life. " he said before sleep consumed me.

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