Chapter Forty-Four

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Following Harry to the moving staircases, Harry quickly climbs up one and turns around at Hermione's voice.

"Harry, are you sure?"
This is mental!

"I saw it. It's just like with Mr. Weasley. It's the door I've been dreaming about. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have last time. In the Department of Mysteries," Harry explains.

"Harry, please, just listen. What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?" Hermione reasons.

"What if he is? I'm supposed to just let him die? Hermione, he's the only family I've got left," Harry goes on, reaching the top stair.

"What do we do?" Ron asks.

"We'll have to use the Floo Network," Harry says.

"Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance," Hermione says.

"Not all of them," I say, running my fingers through my hair.

"Alohomora," Harry incants, unlocking the door to Umbridge's office.

Harry and Hermione sit in front of the chimney. I stand a little back, Ron quickly closing the door behind us.

"I've been blinded," I say, looking around the awfully pink room with kittens everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I like animals, but this is too much.

"Alert the Order if you can," Harry says.

"Harry, I am the Order. I've been alerted so let's go," I say, sitting on my knees beside Ron.

"Are you mental? We're going with you," Ron calls.

"It's too dangerous," Harry argues.

"Too dangerous my arse."

"When are you going to get it into your head? We're in this together," Hermione says.

"That. You. Are," Umbridge says, looking absolutely more horrid than usual. Hair and pink clothes aflame like marshmallows.

The Inquisitorial Squad hold the four of us in Umbridge's office, Luna and Ginny joining us as Harry is now tied to a chair.

"Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl," Draco sneers, holding Neville as he stands beside the rest of us.

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?"

"No," Harry says honestly.

Umbridge strikes him in the face, my blood boiling.

"Hey!" I scream, pushing my body forwards.

"You...! Hold your tongue." Umbridge returns her gaze to Harry, staring deeply into his soul. "Liar."

"You sent for me, Headmistress?" Snape asks, stopping at the door of the office.

"Snape, yes." Umbridge turns to Snape. "The time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?"

"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang."

Huh? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh... that makes sense.

"Unless you wish to poison him... and I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did... I cannot help you," Snape says, turning.

"He's got Padfoot," Harry quickly blurts, both of the adults facing him. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? What is he talking about, Snape?" Umbridge interrogates, twisting her neck to Snape.

"No idea," says Snape in his usual monotone voice.

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