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*No One's Pov*

After Sandrelly had met everyone, Hank wanted to lay down some ground rules before he set her off.

"I just have a few rules."


"No in house relationships. It gets messy and I don't like it."

"I protect you in this unit. If something happens, you tell me first. I protect you, not the other way around. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sargent. Is that all?"

"No. If anyone ever approaches you and tries to get you to snitch on me and my ways, I will find out and trust me, you'll be sorry. I'll destroy your life and end your career immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sargent Voight."

"Voight or Sarge is fine."

"Yes, Sargent." Replied Sandrelly and Hank just sighed.

It was around an hour later when Hank dropped files onto everyones desk.

"Young girl, aged fifteen. Found in a parking lot. Battered and bruised. Dawson and Santos, head to med and talk to her."

"Yes, Sarge." Said Antonio.

"Yes, Sargent."

Antonio was driving them both to med in complete silence when he had had enough of it and was dying to ask her questions.

"Did you ever surf?"


"Wow. Did you compete in competition? Where were you from?"

"One question at a time, yeah?"

"Yeah. Sorry. It's just...I feel like I recognise you."

"I just have the same surfer look as any other girl."

"Yeah I guess."

"I'm actually from a town called Maceió, it's right by the seafront. I've never competed and I only ever surfed when my brother wanted company." Explained Sandrelly as they pulled up to med.

Back at the District, Jay and Adam were trying to find clues on Jane's social media. Jane was the young girl who had gone missing or more likely was kidnapped.

"Why does San call you Sargent?" Asked Kevin.

"Not sure. I've told her multiple times that she can call me Voight or Sarge but she never does. Well she did one time but then she apologised loads and begged me not to hit her."

"Abusive father?" Questioned Adam.

"No. It's not that. She did use to fear someone with higher power but it wasn't her father." Said Hank.

"Hank's right. By her social media, she seems to have a great relationship with her father." Said Kim.

"Why don't you guys just ask her, instead of stalking her Instagram." Said Jay.

"It's just research. " Said Kim.

"It's weird." Said Jay.

"Look at this one from five days ago. It says boat day with the boys. There's a picture of an older guy name Roberto Santos and then there's Diego Santos. I guess it's her dad and brother, maybe?" Said Kim as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Could be, yeah." Said Kevin as he looked at the picture.

When the detectives walked into med, Sandrelly tried to keep her head down to avoid Will's gaze but it was no use. He walked up to them with a big smile on his face and ducked his head so he could look at Sandrelly.

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